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Decoder R8249 programming in RailMaster.

Guest Chrissaf

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I've just installed a R8249 decoder, programmed it in Railmaster and all works superbly.

My questions are

1. what is the output voltage of the 9.Flying Lead ?

2. what is the output voltage of the 7.Common V+ ?


3. how do I program these functions in Railmaster ?

Thanks in advance for help  😆

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My questions are

1. what is the output voltage of the 9.Flying Lead ?


The Purple flying lead is the fourth function on a R8249 decoder. When not in use the voltage will either be floating (not measurable) or at positive rail voltage (close to the value of the Blue wire). However, when the function (in this case the fourth function) is enabled, that is to say switched 'on'. The voltage will drop to the zero volt (ground) rail value.


2. what is the output voltage of the 7.Common V+ ?


A positive DC voltage, typically between 12 volts and 15 volts, usually around 14 volts DC.


3. how do I program these functions in RailMaster ?


On a R8249 decoder, the Purple (fourth function) wire is controlled by "Function 2" on the controller. Function 2 operates as an on/off toggle. By default when the controller powers up (in this case RailMaster) all Functions are 'off'. You send a F2 command to enable the function (switch it on, thus changing the function output voltage to zero volts). You send another F2 command to switch off the function. This is how a 'toggle' works, once for on, once again for off, once again for on etc.


In RailMaster (RM), all functions are momentary in operation. Thus RM will automatically send a second Fn command (in this case Fn = F2) about two seconds later. This time delay can be adjusted. In RM if you want the function to remain 'on' until you the user switches it off (a lighting function for example). Then you edit the Function button label in RM to add the text "on/off" (without the quotation " " marks).


So your next question is probably where in RM do I find this F2 (Function 2) button to write the label on.


Simple, open the 'Locomotive Settings' screen in RM.


  1. Call up the loco you want to use this decoder for, so that the screen is populated with the loco details.
  2. You will then see a list of 26 function buttons from F0 to F25 (this is expected to be increased to F28 in the next RM update release).
  3. The F2 button is the one that controls the R8249 Purple fourth function.


Example screen below:



The large square highlighted area on the left, needs to be populated with the information that relates to the loco you want to control that is fitted with your R8249 decoder. The small oblong (F2) highlighted area on the top right is where you edit the label that will appear on your Function 2 button on your loco throttle. Just place the mouse cursor in the box and type the label you want. Use the 'pull down' box to select any suitable 'pre-configured' labels that you might want to use instead.


Note that the text on the label DOES NOT affect what the function button controls. It is just a label for the convenience of us humans. So if you have a Sound Decoder and F2 is a 'Whistle'. Choosing 'Horn' for the Function 2 label does NOT change the sound the sound decoder makes. It will always play a 'Whistle' regardless of what the label says. I know you haven't got a sound decoder, I just mention this for clarity and completeness of information.


For example, let us say that you are using the Purple wire for a flickering firebox LED. Then you might want to label the Function 2 button: " Firebox on/off " notice that I have included 'on/off' on the label because I want it to remain on once enabled. There is a limit to the number of characters that you can place on the button label, so use abbreviations where possible.


Note the white tick boxes to the right of the Function labels in the image above. For the R8249 you need to tick the boxes for the functions you are using so that they appear on the small as well as the large RM throttle.


Note also, that the F0 button switches on the directional lighting (the first & second Functions on the R8249), whilst the F1 button controls the third function (Green wire pin 3) on the R8249 decoder.


Don't forget that if the R8249 decoder is NOT installed in a DCC Ready loco. Then you will most likely need to ensure that current limiting resistors are included if using LED based lighting. The drawing below gives an overview of a typical non DCC Ready installation where a decoder socket is being fitted DIY.




TIP: I write long posts. If you intend to write a reply, it would be appreciated if you didn't use the 'White Arrow in Blue Box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post button. It is best to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the very bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write will be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.

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Hi Vinny, welcome to the Forum..........the functions are all 12volts........the Blue is the common positive but not a Function...........the Purple flying lead is Function 4 which is switched via F2 and the Green is Function 3 which is switched via F1.........the total continuous current draw of the motor plus the functions should not exceed 500mA so if the motor is drawing lets say 400mA then the 4 functions have only 100mA available........if the directional lights are drawing 50mA then F1 & F2 should not exceed 50mA..........HB

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Hi Vinny, welcome to the Forum..........the functions are all 12volts........the Blue is the common positive but not a Function...........the Purple flying lead is Function 4 which is switched via F2 and the Green is Function 3 which is switched via F1.........the total continuous current draw of the motor plus the functions should not exceed 500mA so if the motor is drawing lets say 400mA then the 4 functions have only 100mA available........if the directional lights are drawing 50mA then F1 & F2 should not exceed 50mA..........HB

Hi HB,

Thank you for the reply. would that be AC or DC ?

The function F1 and F2?, are they just a tick box in Railmaster?


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Thank you for the reply. would that be AC or DC ?


DC Only


The function F1 and F2?, are they just a tick box in Railmaster?


See my full answer now published as an edit in my first reply above.


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