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Using Cobalt iP Digitals with RM programs

Guest Chrissaf

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Just installed my first cobalt ip digital at second attempt after having faulty unit to start with that wouldn’t work with railmaster or elite.

Replacement works really well and very happy with it, one issue is it won’t work as part of a program in railmaster. has anyone else got the same issue and is there a way of getting it working with programs in railmaster.

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I have a couple of Cobalt-SS point motors/decoders installed and they work fine for me in RM, both using the green/red buttons and in programs. In the track designer, I chose "Cobalt point motor (with decoder) " from the dropdown list of decoders in the points definition.

I don't know if there is a difference in DCC operation between these and Cobalt ip Digital decoders, however, but I wouldn't have thought so. If you have used this definition, I would suggest trying Hornby R8247 as the decoder in the points definition, to see if that works. In the program editor, do these points appear in the dropdown list of points, or did you type the address in yourself?



 Edit: You didn't mention whether the point worked using the red/green buttons in RM


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Nothing happens not even a blip with it already in position, have created a program with one step and still no joy. It just seems to skip the step with nothing happening.

might try setting program with two steps tomorrow. One step left and then a few seconds later right. Not expecting it to work tho but will give it a try.

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Are you running the program inside the program editor window? If so, are you making sure the single program line is checked at the right hand side to be executed?

 Try this little program...




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Ray, something for you to consider if you have further dialogue with the OP. Do you remember the missing colon : issue if commands are types manually in as opposed to choosing from the pull down selection box. Could that have a bearing on this issue.

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Ray, something for you to consider if you have further dialogue with the OP. Do you remember the missing colon : issue if commands are types manually in as opposed to choosing from the pull down selection box. Could that have a bearing on this issue.

Hi Chris,

Yes I had thought of that, which is why I asked if he had typed in the command.


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Been doing some testing and think I have found a bug in railmaster but will need someone to verify.

i have got two controllers A and B, A (elite) for the trains and B (elink) for accessorises. the cobalt IP digital won’t works as part of a program if it is on the B controller. If I remove the B controller and make the elink the A controller it works fine in a program. 

Have double checked everything including point is set to B controller when trying to get it to work with the B controller. Also working point on diagram works fine so very confident it is setup correctly.

can someone please verify, and if correct how do we report this?

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I'm afraid I can't help as I only have one controller. Do you have any other points which use different decoders, also connected via Controller B, to see if they work in a program?


If you think you have found a fault, you should report it to HRMS through the Railmaster program.......


Simply follow the instructions on the screen and provide as much detail as you can to describe the problem.

Your Railmaster pc must be connected to the Internet when you do this, by the way, and as well as sending the text message which you type in, it also sends various other files, including the log file.



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Don’t have any other points that use other type of controller, this was my first go at using something other than seep point motor with the Hornby R8247.

So do you have a seep point motor currently connected via a R8247 to Controller B ? If so, does this work in a program? I'm trying to establish whether the problem lies with it being a Cobalt or with it being connected via Controller B.



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In that case it looks like the problem lies with it being a Cobalt decoder. I think you should report it to HRMS through the RM program as I described above. Having reported it, you should receive an email confirming that they have received your Help Request. This may be followed by further emails if they require any extra information from you.


Good luck  😉



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Will report it then, will have to move cobalt ip digital onto the A controller in the mean time so I can use it with programs. Will put on hold buying other cobalt ip digital until there is a fix. Don’t really want then on my A controllers bus because it will create a lot of work in future once bug is fixed to move them to B controllers bus.

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How about if you create a "Sub bus" just for the cobalt decoders, and initially connect this to your Controller A bus. Then if a fix to the software is made, it would be a case of switching the "Sub-bus" from bus A to bus B. Of course, there is no way of avoiding having to reconfigure each Cobalt point in the layout plan from A to B.



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I might create a bus wire for Cobalt IP Digitals that i can use on the A Controller until bug is fixed. Issue now raised with Railmaster, first responce said this shouldn't happen but it does. Also raised issue with DCC Concepts so they are aware of the issue and they have responded saying they are investigating, thought they should know if someone has similar a issue thinking it is a faulty cabalt ip digital.

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Somerset M,

Just to be super clear, when you said that your program entry was the same as Ray's example (see image below). Are the colons : highlighted in yellow present. It won't work unless this important bit of command syntax is present and correct.




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Somerset M,

Just to be super clear, when you said that your program entry was the same as Ray's example (see image below). Are the colons : highlighted in yellow present. It won't work unless this important bit of command syntax is present and correct.





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Yes Chrissaf that is correct.

Just had another go and it gets stranger

tried again as port B151 and it didn't work. ☹️

tried again as port B 60 and it worked.  😀

tried again as port B 151 and it didn't work. ☹️

tried again as port B 171 and it worked. 😀

tried again as port B 151 and it didn't work.  ☹️

looks like i can get around the problem by using a different port number.

The big question is it jut port B151 that doesn't work or are there other ports that don't work?

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It's not the first time that forum reports have been made about Cobalt iP Digitals that have non functional addresses. That is to say, where a particular address won't work but where other addresses do. And those reports were where only Controller A was being used on systems that didn't have a B controller. I can't quite remember, but some of those reports might not have even been using RailMaster as the controller.

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