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Annoying "authorize app" POP UP in win10

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Hi there,

I'm migrating all things on a new win10 machine and i've installed a demo version of RM to be activated soon.

Unfortunately every time I launch RM, the User Account Control security POP up shows up asking to continue or not. Answering "Yes" make me use the software in a (obviously) Demo mode. Everything about COM ports and communication with E-link is fine.

But I'm afraid to deactivate RM on the old WinXP machine to reactivate on Win10, as many posts here (and personal experience activating on XP -1 month of HRMS remote control to be succesful).

I installed RM "as administrator" and checked "run as admin" in the .exe options.

Do there is any more checks to be made prior to activation migration process?

Thank you in advance.

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Make sure you copy across your plan file, loco lists, etc as explained in the manual.


On Win 10 you always get the pop up if you are running with admin rights - its a pest and I am sure you could add a suffix command somewhere to bypass it.


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All I could suggest is that you use the 'RailMaster Help Site' and work your way through that, albeit ignoring the 'activation' part of the help site tutorials until you are ready. Note that once on the 'Help Site' you have to click the icons embedded in the text to see the example screen capture images.



One way to check that your Win 10 installation will have the highest probability of authenticating OK is to send HRMS a 'test message' from WITHIN RailMaster. If you get the auto acknowledgement back straight away, then that is an indicator that your Win 10 security and AV will not block the activation authentication process when you try to do it for real.


'How To' - When you have RM running in 'Evaluation Mode' open the 'Help' screen. See below.



Be sure to clearly state in the text box that you are just sending a 'test message' to check communication and that HRMS should ignore it. This should not stop your message from being 'Auto Acknowledged' within a few minutes with an acknowledgement message appearing in the inbox of the email account you specified in the 'help request screen'. If you get the 'auto acknowledgement' than that is a good indicator that 'activation' will be successful when you get round to doing it.


PS - you wrote:


Unfortunately every time I launch RM, the User Account Control security POP up shows up asking to continue or not. Answering "Yes" make me use the software.


In Windows 10, that is totally normal. Every Windows 10 user will see that message. It is the way the RM application works in Windows 10. It happens because the RM application was written originally for Windows XP and has not been re-written from the ground up as a native Windows 10 application.

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One way to check that your Win 10 installation will have the highest probability of authenticating OK is to send HRMS a 'test message' from WITHIN RailMaster. If you get the auto acknowledgement back straight away, then that is an indicator that your Win 10 security and AV will not block the activation authentication process when you try to do it for real.


Thank you Chris and Rob for answers.


As suggested, I tried the "TEST message" check, and it returns a "Unable to process the help request at the moment" "10003" error, so no "acknowledge mail" in inbox.


Got (still) no Antivirus installed, granted permissions "private/public" in win10 firewall.


By the way I was sure that this migrating process to win10 could have been a nightmare...

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Some others have found using somebody elses broadband connection rather than their own has worked for them (preferably a different ISP [internet Service provider]). I'm assuming that your Win 10 PC is a laptop and easily transportable.

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There is no reason to allow your firewall to use a setting for 'Public' unless you are absolutely certain you will be using wi-fi or cabled connections on public Internet access areas such as cafe's, libraries and/or city/town free wi-fi.


As I suspect, if your setup is permanently based at home, you should ONLY check the box for 'Private'. Domain is for network based client PC's connected to a server and Private is for home or small office use where a server is not used. It is absolutely safe enough to use where setting 'Public' can be risky to your computer and also give away some info through that connection if the details are intercepted by anyone.


User Access Control popups...


When these popup they are there for a very good reason but some people just find them absolutely annoying.

If you want to turn them off, and as a techie of long standing, it is possible but I wouldn't recommend it. However, here is how you do it...


Once the popup shows click the text link that says "Show more details".

Next click "Change when these notifications appear".

Then drop the slider to the bottom of the scale to never show notifications of this type. Accept the changes and you may be asked to restart before the changes come into effect.


You may not however, turn ALL notifictaions off via this slider and some may still show. These ones cannot be turned off at all so you will just have to put up with them.

If you find the changes don't stop RM's warning's then only a registry hack will allow the change and I am not placing that procedure on this forum for obvious reasons.


Hope this helps....

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Ciao Pietrarsa,

The annoying pop-up is because of the way RailMaster and its drivers were written for XP.  It raises this annying message because you have to run it as an Administrator (my shortcut does this for me).  If I use the other software to control my layout with the Elite it just works (I still prefer RailMaster design though). 

You can disable User Account Control but if you search on how to do this you won't find anything from Microsoft as this feature is trying to make your PC secure.  I do have it turned off but I am super careful about what I install and where I get software from. 

On a seperate not I have moved RailMaster and the Pro pack between several win 10 machines with no issue - and I now have a 23" touch screen all in one PC specifically to control my loft layout.     

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Personally, I just put up with the 'popup' due to the security benefits it gives in general for normal PC usage and Internet browsing.

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Ok, I keep UAC at the suggested level, it seems to not interfer with RM operations.

To be sure that everything is ok I disinstalled RM, deleted the program folder and reinstalled "as administrator".

Same as before, got this error "12003" "Unable to send support request at the moment"

I also uncheck Read-Only status of RailMaster Folder as suggested in the Internet Security RM pdf Guide (page 40) and gave "full Control" to all user groups listed in Security tab (page 41 same guide).

Nothing change, it seems I have to keep my old winxp machine alive only to run RailMaster...

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Wait for RM version 1.7 (due soon, in fact it is overdue).....there should be quite a few changes in this new release. Try it again on the Win10 to see if the 12003 error clears.....probably not......but worth a try at least. The forum will advertise version 1.7 when available.

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The 12003 error message is a communications error in that no connection has been made to the server at the Hornby end.

If you are using a wireless connection then try a cabled one and attempt to make that connection again.


I think I remember Chrissaf making this observation a couple of years back when he tried this very same thing and found a connection immediate where wireless had a block for whatever reason I can't remember off hand.

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I think I remember Chrissaf making this observation a couple of years back when he tried this very same thing and found a connection immediate where wireless had a block for whatever reason I can't remember off hand.


Definitely not me.....I've never had any issues with RM communications. It's possible I might have been reporting someone else's observations, but complete memory loss on that one.

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The 12003 error message is a communications error in that no connection has been made to the server at the Hornby end.

If you are using a wireless connection then try a cabled one and attempt to make that connection again.


Thanks for explanation about 12003 error and administrative privileges.


I tried also with an ethernet cable connection directly on the home router but with no results.


What I sure remember is that when activating on WinXP I spent more than 1 month in mail and remote assistance by HRMS for success. I don't know what they made on my pc to make it work.

Same WIFI connection as then, and same pc as then (multi OS partition).

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@Chrissaf... your starter for 10...


Here's the link to the said post which I searched for as I was convinced you did post lol.


...and the post itself on the thread titled '12003 error'.




You had me worried for a moment there when you said you hadn't posted... 😉

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Well I'll be.......I have absolutely no recollection of posting that, given that it was nearly 4 years ago.


But what I do recall, was that when I bought my Laptop I had lots of issues with Wi-fi. So it was not just RM that was affected, but other applications too. My Laptop and BB Router are both dual Band with 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies. The majority of my Wi-fi connection issues were on the 2.4Ghz band. At the time, my router was configured with the same SSID on both bands, leaving it to the attached device to negotiate the connection dynamically. The Laptop always chose the 2.4Ghz band connection for some reason. Presumably because it detected a higher signal level on that band. Once I gave the BB router 5Ghz band a unique SSID name, I could then force my Laptop to ONLY connect at 5Ghz. Since then I have had no Wi-fi issues at all. Nor with RM communication via Wi-fi.


I still had to change the Wi-fi configuration to 'Unmetered' as well, as that was the only way I could get 'Windows Update' to work effectively. I use the term 'effectively' a bit tongue in cheek, as 'Windows Update' operation on Windows 8 and now 10 is absolutely dire, although much improved on W10.


As I said in that original 2015 post, now that I have implemented the configuration changes mentioned above, I have no current issues with RM connecting to the Internet via Wi-fi. RailMaster 'Help' requests and RM auto-updates work absolutely fine on my re-configured Wi-fi.


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I'm just glad you didn't ask how I remembered that post. Usually my cells within the brain preclude me from remembering such fine detail... maybe because it is such a specific error message made it so.


As for the router I knew one SSID was no good for dual band routers because a conflict would originate so immediately upon purchase of my Draytek I had all modern 5GHz equipment set to use that more precise band and just a smattering of equipment on the lower and wider based band. I don't have wireless issues at all and to be honest had very few with the older router which was also a Draytek.


Sorry to muster up old posts and create alarm with your memory Chris but at least it reminded myself that my memory still has some worthy components within. 😆

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