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Class 67 sound card


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I am new to the hobby and recently purchased a used Hornsby class 67 loco at an exhibition which was DCC fitted. Using a  Guagemaster Prodigy Advance I introduced it to my track and sound immediately went through a start up. However since I  reprogrammed a new loco address I cannot get any sound at all.   The loco runs in both directions, the running lights work and the acceleration and deceleration works fine .  I suspected that the sound card might be faulty and to rule this out purchased a new Hornsby class 67 sound card.  However with this card fitted the loco will not run  and there is still no sound . Can anyone advise?  Being new to the hobby I am on a very fast learning curve and have spent hours trawling Youtube for instruction. The loco now has the old card fitted and is running without sound.

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It is very rare for sound to default to 'on'. The likelihood is (being a used second-hand purchase) that the sound had been left 'on', and the loco just physically removed from power with the sound still playing prior to it being sold to you. Such that somehow the 'sound on' command had been remembered and acted upon when you placed the loco on your live track, which in itself would be unusual.


It is more normal for sound to be 'off' when initially powered up on a DCC track. You then call up the 'loco address' on the DCC controller you are using and you send a function F1 command to turn the sound 'on'.


What happens when you send an F1 command?


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When you fitted the new sound decoder (not card), did you try to run the loco first on the default 03 address rather the address the original decoder was set to?  The address is held in the decoder, not your controller, and all new decoders come on the default 03 address.

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Don’t believe all you see on U-tube instructional videos,  in my opinion a great number of them are absolute rubbish, poorly produced and often inaccurate. The only way to know if they are of any use is to know the subject already and then you don’t need them.


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I agree, I have watched some YouTubes where I just want to scream at the screen and club the presenter with a baseball bat for the totally incorrect and misleading 'so called expert advice' they give......not.


Particularly on the electrical side of things which is my forte.

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Thanks everyone for your helpful advice.  It would appear that the old sound decoder is not working but when as suggested I tried the default 03 address on the new decoder I was able to get sound.  The reason that the loco would not move was that the SV and DC values were set to zero. When I finally heard the loco start up release its brakes and start to move I had a very silly grin on my face. Once again thanks to everyone for taking the time to help.  

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