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Blue Direction Indicator

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This is very likely going to be down to the point icons (red and green buttons) not being in the correct place on the design grid. If you go to the design screen and move the red one away from the point, let the mouse button go, then move it back TO THE CENTRE of the point it operates you should find it will jump to the correct grid location. The green partner icon, if also in the wrong place, will do the same without you doing anything else.


Save the plan and go back to the opertaing screen and you should find that all is well.



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If Roger's suggestion doesn't fix it. Then on the point that is associated with that particular Accessory Decoder port, swap the wires over on the + & - terminals leaving the common return wire as it is. This is only a suitable fix if, you normally operate this point on its own.


However, if this query relates to two points acting together as a 'passing loop', then the blue line synchronisation can only be fixed if you have RailMaster Pro.....see reference post below:




Example of a passing loop (image courtesy of Ray from his post).


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