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Can't get the railmaster to communicate with dcc controller


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Hello I just got into model railways and i decided to get a rail master (elink) and i can't seem to get the e-link to work and this is basically what i have done so far (also i did disable driver signature enforcement)/media/tinymce_upload/093e1afd60d2f92c56dffaedf1b226ba.png/media/tinymce_upload/0de022a7f37dbe308181f9731e9cce9f.png/media/tinymce_upload/0365e2674429e0861a889add34754a1c.png

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1) Either you have not installed the eLink driver correctly.


2) you have not configured your 'COM' port settings correctly.


3) you have not got the correct entries in your 'railmaster.ini' file.


Don't panic, all of these issues have been covered before on this forum and I have previously written detailed tutorial posts.


There is not enough information in your post to deduce which of the above issues your reported issue fits into. So the best thing would be to cover all three issues in this reply and start from the beginning.


So firstly, for Windows 7, 8 or 10 follow the instruction in this post to either check or correctly install the eLink driver. Note: the post was written for an Elite, the eLink uses the same driver, thus the instructions are still valid. Also read the first 3 of my posts on the page that opens, they are all relevant.


Note: If your entry in 'Windows Device Manager' already matches the image in my 3rd post on the page. Then the driver is installed correctly. In the image, Com4 is shown. Yours may be different. If is showing Com5 or above, report that back in this thread and await further instruction. The Com number in Windows Device Manager should be noted down as you will need that in the next stage.




Once the driver is correctly installed, then the next task is to configure the 'COM' port settings to make sure the 'COM' port in 'Windows Device Manager' matches the 'COM' port in RailMaster. This is described in my reply in the following post.


Note: this post below also documents how to fix issue 3) 'railmaster.ini' settings not correct.




Note: once you have got a working set-up, it is important that you always use the same USB port on your PC to connect the eLink to. Ideally, this should be a USB 2.0 port. The eLink (for some) has issues when connected to a USB 3.0 port. If you don't use the same USB port, a different Com port number can be allocated and communication with the eLink is lost. If after you have got the setup working, if any time in the future you lose communication with the eLink. The allocated Com port number in Device Manager and RailMaster will be the first thing to check. RailMaster cannot handle changing system configurations dynamically in the same way more modern up to date applications do. RailMaster and eLink are not 'plug n play'.


Once the communication issues are fixed. The pink highlight on the 'Hornby eLink' entry should lose the pink highlight. The pink highlight denotes that RailMaster cannot find the eLink.


TIP: As this is your first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.



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ADDENDUM to the  last reply.


All the screen shots in my posts are from Windows 7. If using Windows 10, then use Device Manager in Windows Control Panel.


PS - Disabling Driver Signature is not needed as the correct driver to install comes from the Windows driver server and will be an official Microsoft valid driver. On Windows 7 to 10, do not install the driver on the RailMaster CD, this is only for Windows XP & Vista.

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So I uninstalled the device with drivers completly waited 10 seconds and re plugged it and then it gave me this error also railmaster.ini the alt comms and check conteroller are set 1 /media/tinymce_upload/acddc7527e16c9bbeb1c68f0e6765b7c.png

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Reboot the PC and start afresh. Usually, that error message goes away on its own. This time plug into a different USB port, if one is available.

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So far the issue of the device descriptor has been resolved also I can confirm im using a USB 2.0 slot. 

1: i did follow on your other post how to install elink drivers but nothing.

2: afterwards i checked the com port on the railmaster and on the device manager (i uninstalled the drivers and changed the usb slot and became com2 insted of com4)/media/tinymce_upload/e2172b5039eb29d5d78f6554fe103441.png

3: and about railmaster.ini is there somethin else i should check as when i was reading your other ports you said the check Alternative comms and Check controller and they were set to 1 after i also tried deleting them (Alternative comms and Check controller) saving the ini and paste the commands again./media/tinymce_upload/2407f22361ed956e168c17dc13757d81.png


Also  curently i am limited to how many posts i can send becasue it's a new account is there another way i can resolve this without waiting  an entire day to post.

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The driver settings shown in the new set of images are correct. Do not tinker with drivers any-more as long as all the settings match as they currently do in your photos.


However, with regard the .INI file.


I did say in my tutorial posts, to place the the highlighted .INI file entries as the LAST TWO lines in the file. This is important to follow. Delete the two highlighted lines in your .INI and RETYPE them again as the last two lines. Retype them afresh, do not cut and paste them. Resave the file and then open the editor to ensure that the change to the file is sticking. Then close down RailMaster completely and re-start it.


Also in the "Alternative comms=1" line, the capital C in "Comms" should be lower case "comms".


If after doing that, the eLink entry is still shown with pink highlight, then either the USB lead you are using is faulty, or the eLink itself is faulty, or the eLink power supply (do you have a green LED showing on the eLink?) is faulty.


Also, currently I am limited to how many posts I can send because it's a new account. Is there another way I can resolve this without waiting an entire day to post.


This restriction is usually lifted after about 48 hours. Just be aware that so far, all your posts have contained images (which is helpful to us, as a picture saves a thousand words). But just also be aware that posts with images are held back for image approval by the Hornby forum administrator. Admin only work UK Office Hours. Image approval will continue as a requirement after the 2 post per 24 hours limit is lifted.

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OK good news i think i have fixed the issue. basically i launched rail master then i went into the question mark logo then the cog to edit the ini file. then i just deleted the 2 line (alt comms and check controller) saved it closed railmaster and when i laucned rail master again it started to automatically installed elink v1.07 firmware and i opened the ini file again and retyped the 2 lines finally closed it again and well when i re opened it it was still connected /media/tinymce_upload/24ceddd6398d1be9afbc3e4dab560900.png

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Good to hear that it is now resolved. Having the two lines at the end of the .INI file makes all the difference.


PS - For information. The eLink firmware updater file can also be run manually without RailMaster running. See page 144 of the RailMaster manual user guide. Whenever a new eLink firmware is available. It will be downloaded as part of any 'over the air' RailMaster application updates, and placed in the RM program folder. When RM starts (only if there is an attached eLink) it looks for any new firmware file and offers to run the firmware updater if it finds a new later version. If for any reason this process doesn't complete successfully. The firmware updater can be run manually as per the manual page 144 process. The chances are, is if you had just modified the .INI file as I instructed, RM would have then still launched the eLink firmware updater the next time it was started. The key is having those two lines as the last two lines in the file.



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OK good news i think i have fixed the issue. basically i launched rail master then i went into the question mark logo then the cog to edit the ini file. then i just deleted the 2 line (alt comms and check controller) saved it closed railmaster and when i launched rail master again it started to automatically installed elink v1.07 firmware and i opened the ini file again and retyped the 2 lines finally closed it again and well when i re opened it it was still connected 


This just goes to show that when RM has its ducks all lined up in a row it works fine, even to the point of auto-updating an out of revision eLink.


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