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Class 47 started shorting without movement


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Hi guys (and girls?)

About a month ago I bought the Hornby Class 47 47033 DCC with sound. Did the usual assigning it to my select controller and ran the loco in for a good 30mins and have had no problems for the past couple of weeks as it all ran perfectly. Went to give it a bit of a run this morning and as soon as I switch the power on my unit is coming up with the OL flashing in red LED display? If I try to reset nothing changes I have tried completely resetting the unit to factory and starting again but no change. 

As soon as I take the loco off and reset it will go back to normal. Place one wheel on the track and it will display OL again? All other locos run fine still but my 47 is having non of it? Track is clean, no metal on any rails but if I try to reset whilst the loco is still on the rails you can hear a very quiet ‘tick’ upon pressing the select button coming from the loco... 

any ideas??? 

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Hi javes, welcome to the forums. It would seem pretty clear that you have a short somewhere/somehow in your Class 47, the question is how to find it.


For a start, my physics professor is having conniptions about the short occurring with just one wheel on the track.  With just one wheel in contact, there is no return path to draw current, so no way an overload can occur.  Can you check that out again please.


Then you need to check out the loco itself off the track.  Can you see anything stray that is causing a short?  Do you have a multimeter to check further on the ohms range from the wheels to pickups to the motor itself?  If you put a 9V battery in direct contact with the wheels, does it run or do you just get sparks?


Let us know how it goes please.  And having just seen Rob’s reply, I agree but you can still look for anything stray and try the 9V battery first before returning.

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