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Changing Cruise and shunt speeds


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Hi ,

I have been trying to change the cruise speed on my Flying Scotsman as the "80 mph" as set on Railmaster is far too fast , the loco travels so fast that I have to quickly change to the  "throttle control" screen and adjust the throttle down quickly.

I have looked at the railmaster guide and selected the "locos select" screen and clicked on the "flying scotsman" in the list,which takes me to the profile of the Flying Scotsman, I change the speed setting down to cruise at 60mph and then I have a problem, how do I "save " this setting, I have tried clicking the  i , and the "tick" and the X, but nothing seems to retain the new setting? Do I have to put the loco on the programming track and go through all the CVs?

I find these icons very confusing could someone please explain the purpose of each of these and when to use them?                                                                                                          The guide just says that the speeds can be readily changed  in the loco profile screen , also in this screen I find it difficult to change the group setting , this keeps coming back to "express passenger" whichever loco I try to change? I would be grateful for any help in this, I am sure the solution is simple when you know how!                     Many Thanks!      Baz.  



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The manual is correct.

On the loco setup screen, just type a new value in or click the pull down and select a new speed and then save with the green tick. No need to go into CV lists or anything like that. Same goes for the loco type, just pick another type and save with the tick. Then close the setup screen and it is worth restarting RM to ensure it reloads the new settings, although it should do it from the green tick.


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Well precised Chris, well worth folk printing it out and pasting alongside their screen for reference.


It doesn’t help folk to get into an RM mindset when a green tick means one thing in one screen and another in a different screen e.g. in the ‘i’ screen the tick means go get all the CV values, not all is well please save those details for me as it generally does in other screens.


The saving grace is when you hover over any icon it pops up a desciption of what it does. Doesn’t work on mobile devices though.


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Hi everybody,

May I say Many Thanks to Rob and Chris for their replies to my posting, both replies were very helpful, and I hope that Chris's very comprehensive reply is of use to others as well as myself, as suggested I have printed this off for future reference and I would advise others to do likewise.

Again,  Many Thanks to you both, Best regards, Baz.

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OOPS! , Sorry Chris and Rob, yes , thanks to your advice I changed the Cruise and shunt speeds of the F.S. and my new 0-6-0 GWR pannier tank,  I tried several speeds until I was happy with the results, it worked first time every time and "stuck",  Again Many Thanks for your help, 

Regards Baz.


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I have looked at the railmaster guide and selected the "locomotive settings" screen and clicked on the "Flying Scotsman" in the list,which takes me to the profile of the Flying Scotsman, I change the speed setting down to cruise at 60mph and then I have a problem, how do I "save" this setting, I have tried clicking the  i , and the "tick" and the X, but nothing seems to retain the new setting?


Rob has correctly documented the process, but here is an additional tip that works for me.


I too have found that when I am setting up a new loco for the first time. I make all the changes I want to make in the various boxes (see my fuller reply further below). I then click the green tick to save the changes. But what I usually find happens next is that the screen refreshes with something completely different. It gives the impression that the changes have not been saved. On closer inspection what has usually happened is that the screen has refreshed into a state ready to accept a new loco configuration, or it has just locked itself onto a different previously configured loco.


Any way, what I do that works for me is:


After I have set up the loco configuration and clicked the green tick to save changes. I then ignore the screen that then displays, and instead click the Red X to close the 'Locomotive Settings' configuration screen down.


I then re-open the 'Locomotive Settings' screen again as a fresh session. I then click the row in the list containing the loco name I have just configured and saved, so that the loco is highlighted in the list. I then find that all the dialogue boxes then populate correctly with all the correct data I previously saved in the various data fields using the previously clicked green tick.


Unfortunately, this is one of those descriptions that is not easy to describe in written words and would be better suited to demonstrating in a video clip of an actual worked example. But the main thing is that if the whole locomotive setting configurations are done correctly, then the green tick is indeed the 'save' button, and the configured settings should stick and appear on the main throttle located on the main RM controller operating screen.


You also wrote:

...also in this screen I find it difficult to change the group setting....


Personally, 'Locomotive Groups' is something I would ignore. See my full description further below regarding the correct use of 'Locomotive Group' names and where it is best (more appropriate) to use them.


I find these icons very confusing could someone please explain the purpose of each of these and when to use them?


With regard the icons and function.




Icons from left to right.


  • Up arrow - First of all, highlight a loco in the list at the top of the dialogue box so that it is selected and populates the dialogue box with the configured loco data. When a loco is highlighted the 'up' arrow moves the selected loco further up the list to change the order. This also changes the loco throttle order on the main RM controller screen.
  • Down arrow - opposite to the 'up' arrow. Moves the selected loco down in the list order and also the throttle position on the main controller screen.
  • Waste bin - delete the loco currently 'highlighted in the locomotive list' from the roster and deletes that locos throttle from the main RM controller screen.
  • Loco icon - clicking this icon opens a dialogue box to change the loco DCC decoder address. The loco has to be on the 'programming track' when using this button.
  • " i " icon - opens the full CV reading / writing screen. The loco has to be on the 'programming track' when using this screen.
  • Printer icon - This only shows if you have RailMasterPro. As I don't have Pro I am not sure what this button prints out. There is a similar button on the CV reading / writing screen that prints out the CV list, there is also a similar print button on the Track Plan screen and the Automated programs screen that prints out those two respective screens, so logic would say that this 'print' button on this screen will print out the 'Locomotive Settings' shown on this set up screen.
  • Stop watch icon - Used to set up and configure 'scale speeds' see pages 36 - 38 of the RM 1.67 manual.
  • COG icon - Auto Profiling button. Non functional at present as this function requires Hornby 'Loco Detection' hardware which has not been launched yet.
  • Double Arrow - Used primarily for sound locos that are either Hornby locos that have not yet been added to the Hornby database or for non Hornby sound loco brands. Sequentially clicking the button sequences through four Function button label options. Hornby Steam, Hornby Diesel, Bachmann Steam and Bachmann Diesel. When used, the function button labels are populated with a basic set of labels that can be further edited to provide the exact labels required (see editing Function Button section further below). Just provided as a convenience feature to save some typing.
  • Red X - Closes the screen and abandons any changes not previously saved with the green tick..
  • Green Tick - Save the changes.




Data input boxes from top to bottom.


  • Locomotive DCC ID - This box does not change any configuration on the DCC decoder. Its function is to tell RM what DCC address to use when operating the associated loco throttle. The DCC ID in this box needs to match the same DCC address ID that is actually going to be or already is programmed into the loco decoder. You use the 'Loco' icon (described previously above) to actually change the decoder address.
  • Name - This is the box where you search the Hornby database by clicking the down arrow. Commence by starting to type in the Hornby Rnnnn stock number in the dialogue 'find' box that opens. As each character is entered the choice in the list gets shorter (assuming that the loco in question is actually in the database). Once you see the loco you are looking for, selecting it will populate the white box with an image of the loco. Alternatively, if the loco is not a Hornby loco therefore not in the database, then you can type in a custom name here instead. The name that eventually appears here will be the one displayed on the throttle.
  • Magnifying Glass - In the bottom right of a plain white box. Clicking the Magnifying Glass opens the search box for the Hornby loco image in the database if it is not automatically populated by using the 'find' box above. If setting up a non Hornby loco then if you put a custom image of the non Hornby loco in the RM folder where the loco images are stored, then you can load this custom image into this field instead - see RM 1.67 Manual pages 43 to 45.
  • Locomotive Group - An optional field. If you have a lot of locos. You can group them together into logical groups. For example you might have one group that are Diesels, another Group that are pre - 1940 Steam and a third Group that are post 1940 Steam. How you group your locos together is up to you as is what names you give them. As you create a 'Group Name' it becomes visible in the pull down box when you are setting up a new loco it can be added to an existing group already in the pull down list or a new group created by typing the new name in the group box. As said at the start, this feature is totally optional. Once you have set up a number of 'groups' you can then show just the throttles with any one particular group in the main RM controller screen. Say you have got 60 plus locos. Without groups all 60 plus throttles would be listed in the main screen. If you split the 60 plus locos up into 6 groups with about 10 locos in each group. Then only the 10 throttles for the selected group will show on the main RM controller screen. When you have configured more than one group an additional group selection box appears at the top of the throttle list. This box does not show if there are no groups created. The only way to delete a group once it has been created is to delete the Group.dat file from the railmaster program folder. But be aware that deleting this file will delete ALL groups that have been configured. Use it if you want, or ignore it.....the choice is yours. Personally unless you have a significant number of locos I would leave this field blank.
  • Cruising Speed - The speed the throttle will move to when you click the 'cruise' button on the main throttle associated with this loco.
  • Shunting Speed - The speed the throttle will move to when you click the 'shunting' button on the main throttle associated with this loco.
  • Detection ID & Type data fields - reserved for future use when and if Hornby 'Loco Detection' is ever released.
  • Voice Control Command - The name you put in here will have to be trained into the system when using 'voice control', so that RM can recognise that this is the loco that you want to control when the name is spoken. Optional.




Function Button Panel


Each function has a pull down selection box where a function label can be selected. Locomotives called up from the Hornby database should populate the button labels automatically. But this does not always happen correctly. The Function button labels can be populated with labels in a number of ways.


  • Calling up the Hornby loco by Rnnnn from the Hornby database as previously described using the 'pull down find' feature in the 'Name' box.
  • Using the Double Arrow button as previously described.
  • Using the pull down selection box on each individual button label.
  • If you still can't find the label you are looking for, then just place the mouse cursor on the Function Label box and type your own label.


Any label that does not end with on/off will only play once. If you want a sound to lock on permanently (engine running sound for example) then on/off must be written on the label at the end of the label text. Use abbreviated named labels, there is a limit on the number of characters that can be used on the function button (the on/off text counts towards that character limit).


For example "Fireman's Breakfast on/off" would probably need to be abbreviated to something like "F.Break on/off"


Note that changing the sound described on the label does not change the sound the sound decoder plays. The sound is hard-coded into the decoder. The labels are editable so that the label can be edited to match with the sound actually played, not the other way round.


Clicking the Function Label box will also open the 'Sound Macro' dialogue box. The default macro does not typically need editing, but it can allow fine tuning of the way a sound plays. See the RM 1.67 manual pages 41 to 42 for more details on sound macros and how to use them.


Of course not all functions will be sounds, F0 for example is usually 'directional lighting' on suitably equipped locos.


The check boxes on the right are used to select six (six only) buttons that will appear on the small throttle. All functions whether ticked or not will still appear on the large throttle.


The speaker icon to the far right is a 'preview' button.


Does this answer your question. All the above was in the RM manual, but distributed amongst many disparate pages in different manual sections. All I have done is bought all the descriptions together into one location in this reply.


This is a very long reply, please please please do not use the white arrow in blue button to reply. Use the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the green reply button.


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