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Gaugemaster Omni direct 8 pin decoder.


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Is there a known problem with these recorders.I recently purchased the Oxford Rail N7 tank engine.It ran fine on DC while doing the break in no problems whatsoever. However when It comes to DCC it stops on points and sometimes on the track.

So today I decided to try it with a different Decoder.I took a DCC Concepts Zen decoder out of another loco and it runs perfect.Whats worrying now is I purchased a box 5 Gaugemaster omni direct decoders to place in future tank engines.

By the way I forgot to point out I tried 3 Omni decoders in the N7 all with the same results.

Thank You. 

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I have an Omni DCC22 in a Bachmann Class 08, an Omni DCC27 in a Heljan Class 33, Omni DCC29s in a Hornby Class 50 & a Hornby Class 423. All work absolutely fine. The only problem I've had with the Omnis is that the profile of the DCC29 was too high to fit in the Class 33.

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Sounds like a duff batch of decoders. What do GM say about it.

First port of call with anything duff is the place you got it from.

Gaugemaster said they haven't had any issues, but thankfully hattons have me a refund. I have fitted laisdcc direct decoders and they work fine.I have a few locos fitted with these cheap decoders and all of them run fine.I will be sticking with them as they are a lot cheaper as well.


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