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Loco not found in database after reading cvs


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Good afternoon,  I have recently had railmaster reactivated on new laptop and locos have been running under command on the select unit, however when I try to add them to railmaster, i get an error message, loco ID xxxx not found in database.... any ideas please.



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The Select cannot as yet connect to a PC, so you either mean they were running OK on the Select previously outwith RM or they are running OK now in RM using either an Elite or eLInk.


Regardless of that, which locos are we talking about by R-number as not in the database.


If they are TTS locos then as you type in the search box all likely R-numbers come up to pick from but notice that TTS locos only have T after the R-number not TTS as you would expect. You can also search for the Class of loco e.g Hall or A4 or FS, etc and pick a similar one. If the loco chosen is the wrong colour then look for the correct colour in the lost or in the RM Locos folder.


Make sure you are using the very latest copy of RM downloadable from the link at top of page as often HRMS will slip in new locos without using a formal revision update.

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You really haven't given enough clarity in your question to provide a proper answer to you. For one thing you do not have to read the CVs to add a loco to RailMaster from the database. Or do you mean when you read the CVs, the decoder brand / model is not being correctly identified in the CV7 and CV8 entries and RM is giving you an error message along the lines of sending a decoder manual to HRMS for inclusion.


Knowing what RM screen you are in for a start would be of immense help? We are not clairvoyant and unable to see what you can see on screen.......you have to tell us.


If you have got a basic 'How do I set up a loco in RM' type question.....then review these previous posts that will give you guidance.



[start reading from the 3rd post down on the page]


This one might help as well....to understand the RM 'Loco Settings' screen interface.


[start reading from the 3rd post down on the page]


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Sorry I was a bit vague... was running from select, now rm and elink...  I select the loco from the list, change the identification from say 3 to 9 write to loco, it reads all cvs and dsiplays to screen and when finished that is when the "error" loco not found in database:0009  appears  hope that makes a bit more sense.

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