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vent van programing probems

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What controller are you using? Since this is the RM forum, I assume that is either eLink or Elite. The Elite gives more programming options to fix the issue.

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Hope someone can help! I’ve bought the TTS van and added it as a loco on RM. Then I typed in all the sound titles in F1 to F28 and tested them - all work fine. On the loco control screen I only have access to 6 and double clicking to make it larger gives me more, but how do I get quick access to them all or is it not possible? I know I can go back into the adding loco screen and press test to get the sound but that’s not very convenient.

Also, how do I make them stay on? The instructions talk about cv numbers but I’ve no idea what it wants me to do with them. Incidentally, I have downloaded 1.70 and although it finds the van easily enough, the sound titles aren’t automatically populated, which is a shame. 

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In order to see all the function buttons you have to have the large throttle visible on screen. This previous post shows how to work with the large throttle to see all function buttons. There is no 'quick access' other than the large throttle.




In order to lock a 'sound' on you have to have the text "on/off" (without the " " quotation marks) written on your button label. If this text is not present at the end of the button label text, then the sound will play only once and stop. Again there is a previous post (one of many) that explains this.





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Use the VV manual to determine which are one shot sounds and which are looped thus needing on/off.


Report the missing functions back to HRMS from within as v1.70 update includes VV (R6888T) and makes provision for all 29 functions i.e. F0-F28 inclusive.


Also note in the ini file you can specify if the large throttle shows limited (click red triangle to expand more) or most (already fully open) function buttons. See the rest by click and drag within the function box. Read the RM manual for details of the ini file line changes,

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