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Setting Points Decoders with eLink and Railmaster


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I have quickly come to the conclusion that I don't know what I am doing. I haven't long had my train set - and recently decided to move on from the Select Controller to eLink and railmaster. 

I am on Windows 10 and struggled to get everything working. But I can now run locos; identify them etc. However, I am struggling to get my points decoder working. 

It was originally attached to the select and worked fine with each port being automatically assigned 61, 62 etc as expected. 

it is the R8247 and according to the railmaster PDF it shoudl be simple to add. But I cannot get  presonse. I add the R8247 to my programming track (no locos on it) and when I click the green arrow in the bottom right of the Accessory Decoder it delays a long time, then says the decoder is unresponsive. 

If I connect the R8247 to the PROG output on the eLink and click the the blue pencil item in the bottom left corner, it finds the decoder and sets the ports to 61, 62 etc as if still connected to the Select. But when I connect it back to the Track, nothing, and clicking the green tick again and it still says the decoder is unresponsive. 

I am obviously missing something obvious, which is why I have saif I don't know what I am doing, so would welcome your help. I've been in a technology role for 30 years, but this has beaten me. 

Very grateful for any advise and ideas. 

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As the accessory decoder already knows its channel address range (61-64) because the Select has allocated them, then all you have to do is further associate those channel numbers to the applicable points icons on your trackplan.

With the accessory decoder reconnected to the track. 

Right click the correct point with your trackplan in design mode then enter the controller ID (presume you only have controller A) and address number (61).

Repeat for the other points (62, 63 & 64) and ditto for any other points using more accessory decoders.


Save the plan and restart RM.

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