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Gaugemaster DCC 29 Omni

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Noit sure if it's allowed on here but if not, please delete this.


I have purchased a couple of the above decoders, mainly for size reasons but for the life of me it seems impossible to change the CV's. It keeps reverting back to 003, also CV 29 reverts to 006 when trying to programme 2.

Railmaster came up with the message that it can't find this decoder in the database which I find strange as it';s a common item. 


Is there any solution to my problem?




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I see from your other posts that you are using RM with an Elite. Try programming the decoder using the Elite knobs and buttons instead of the RM interface, but in 'Register' programming mode. See page 27 in the Elite manual.

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RM v1.70 lists GM DCC 21/22, 25, 26 and 27 but not 29.

Send the decoder info to HRMS and they will include it for you.


Edit - always worth resetting a decoder when it isn’t answering the helm just to get it on an even keel.

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I bought a couple of DCC 29's, one works fine, the other wont 'ave it!


The old Amstrad (Alan Sugar Trading) quality control system - err - there is none, just pile them high, flog them cheap and if they break give them another one. Is GM using the same buy two cheap and get one that works methodolgy.

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Well I think I'll leave these decoders well alone from nw on. 

I put one in my Tornado and tested it without the body on. When t needed a shove I accidentally touched the decoder  which seemed insulatdd and it went up in a rather large puff of smoke.  £17 wasted  :-(

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