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Loco only going one way [when using Lenz BM1]

Guest Chrissaf

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Hornby Sapphire has options in CV52 bits 0, 1, 2 to activate ABC, make ABC uni/bi-directional, activate push-pull with intermediate stop, the timing of which is set on CV53. Maybe your Lenz decoder has similar.


I used the Sapphire for my BM1 trials and it worked fine. I vould drive into a BM1 block and it would stop, I could reverse out or I could flip the by=pass (red to green signal) switch and it would move off. I would check the wiring again to see that the break is right rail only in the normal direction of travel and that BM1 is made per the Lenz diagram for diode polarity and that your tap offs are correct. My drawing was fettled up after the event and I have never actually built a module using it, just the top of the head version.


I wonder if you have the BM1 wired in reverse to the isolated block.



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  • 3 weeks later...

 Hi Mark,


As a Lenz only user, I may be of some assistance but before we go any further, can you please confirm that your track is wired as per the diagram provided by A&H Models in the link below:




But just a quick question first. As you can activate ABC, what happens when you de-activate ABC. Does the loco run normal, both into and out of  the braking section?



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Thats how mine was wired but without the bypass switch in this photo and it worked as advertised...

Right hand rail on the far side i.e. loco travelling right to left.





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  • 1 year later...

Ref Bills diagram above...


If you can place the point motor contacts in series with either leg of the BM1 to track wiring that will work as long as the points contacts can take full track voltage and current. Arrange the points motor contacts so that they bring the BM1 into circuit when the point is set the way you want for the stopping train.


Edit - if you use the point motor contacts to replace the by-pass switch you can release the train as the point changes.

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many thanks for your reply. In the 'Edit' of your reply when you say 'use the point motor' contacts do you mean the DCC in contacts?

No not DCC - just regular switch contacts that you would use for say flipping over frog polarity or suchlike.

In the first instance (series) it puts the BM1 into circuit to bring a train under control and in the second instance (parallel) it shorts the BM1 out of circuit to release a train Like a clear signal or manual Go switch.


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I am not familiar with that point motor but my point (sorry) was that you could use the built in contacts to switch your BM1 in/out of circuit as the point change. If the motor has spare contacts then you could employ more than one method - seires or parallel.

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I’ve got a very frustrating situation where my loco only travels one way!  To give you a little bit more info I’ve been experimenting with the Lenz BM1 brake module and have set up a simple straight length of track, it is powered directly from my Elite controller with an isolated section where the right hand rail is powered by the BM1 which draws power directly from the right hand rail of the powered section - simple enough so far.  I have a loco equipped with a  Lenz 10231-02 decoder which I’ve been using for the test.  This loco will successfully drive into the isolated section & as expected comes to a controlled stop, it will also reverse out of the isolated section buts stops as soon as it enters the powered section, it will however drive back into the isolatlate section.  Further testing showed it will only drive in one direction in the powered sector, I’ve turned the loco around but this had no impact. This problem does not occur when ABC is switched off. When I disconnected the BM1 the loco operates perfectly in the powered section which would imply the BM1 is having an influence on the powered section but I can’t figure out how it is doing this! This is my first & only ABC enables loco, so I may have a CV value wrong somewher.

Any suggestions?


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