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Throttle control not working

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The throttle control slider will not work in the main program. The Shunt, full speed and pause(stop) buttons work, however, none of these work in the on screen popout, the android app allows control using its throttle control and the throttle control slider on the PC is moving. Any ideas, I have tried using the touchscreen of my laptop and a separate mouse with no changes. Mouse wheel will change speed but only when popout is not on. It was working correctly a month ago. Only changes are updated to V1.70 and also added Vent Van sounds manually even though it is now listed in the locos list, and yes i selected the correct model.

I tried using the in program help but that just stated that I had no internet connection, which was wrong as Internet connection logo was on.

Next option is to reinstall unless someone has any further ideas?

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Just for general info the Vent Van has no motor control and the RM setup greys out the the slider and shunt, cruise and stop buttons. At present both Vent Vans populate with the same sound sets as the R6925 set has not been released yet.

v1.70 seems to have its share of little problems. Although the icon was lit did it say acstive when yoru hover over it.

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Muskrat, just to expand on what "train-domain" wrote. The image below shows where the tick box he mentions is located. See yellow highlight.




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Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.




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