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Elite programming issues


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Hi, i’ve Been struggling programming locos for a while now. Sometimes theyll program straight away then yesterday my new Duchess of Hamilton wouldn’t program at all. I’m on 12 tries now. Programming track clean too. I just don’t get it. This is my only gripe with the Elite. 

Help. Thanks Rob

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I had a similar experience some time ago. I found a fix that worked for me....it might work for you too.


The issue is that the programming signal that comes out of the Elite 'Prog' terminals is very low power (current). Thus there is little power to force the current through any build up of tarnish in the 'tinned' connectors.


I rolled a small piece of fine 'wet n dry' into a tube about 4mm diameter. I then flattened the tube and inserted it under the spring clamp of each 'Prog' terminal in turn. Once inserted under the spring clamp, I push and pulled the 'wet n dry' flattened tube back and forth to clean up and remove any tarnish build up that might have been present.


In conjunction with the above, I stripped back a little more insulation off the 'programming wires' back to bare clean copper. I rubbed the bared copper too with a little bit of 'wet n dry' to ensure complete shiny cleanliness.


After reconnecting the cleaned wires to the cleaned Elite 'Prog A& B' terminals, my decoder programming capability was restored to full operational health.


In my case the other end of my 'prog' wires are directly soldered to my 'prog' track piece. And therefore didn't need a similar treatment. If your prog wires use any form of friction connector to make contact with the prog track piece then perform a similar cleaning process at the track end as well. Clean all electrical contact areas in the 'programming' signal path.


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Just to add to what Chris has said, is it just the odd loco or have they all taken the hump.


Try reading back the value of CV1, CV7, CV8 or CV29 in Direct or Reg mode in attempt to prove if its a single loco or the Elite.


Programming output has been reported to fail on Elite.


Of interest what is the revision state of your Elite - watch for v1.xx flashing onto the screen at power up.

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