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Nich the wood

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Analogue locos have to be fitted with a DCC decoder first, before they will run on DCC. The decoder is a small printed circuit that contains all the electronics to convert the Digital DCC signal on the track that is being generated by the Select controller into an electrical signal to control the motor. Inside the loco, the decoder is connected in series between the motor and the wheel pickups (see images below):


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The loco will not run on DCC it just hums When I switch the select controller to analogue it does run.


That humming you can hear, is the DCC track voltage [which is a form of Alternating Current and not Direct Current] vibrating the coils of the loco motor and heating it up. If you leave it humming too long, then the heat build up will damage the motor permanently. Using a DCC controller to operate an Analogue loco is not recommended, even if the controller supports the feature. Hornby themselves in the Select manual state that this control method is not recommended and a decoder should be fitted. I stress that you should refrain form further testing on any of your locos using the Select Analogue 'Address Zero' feature until you have ascertained the decoder status of your loco and fitted a decoder if one is not fitted.


Locos come in different types (as defined in bold):


DC Analogue......nearly all Analogue locos can be converted to DCC by fitting a decoder. But older locos can be more onerous to convert and need special modifications. This type of conversion is best left to experts and the experienced.


DC Analogue [DCC Compatible]......these Analogue locos can be easily converted to DCC digital and do not have any special modification requirements. Some retailers, [Hattons for instance] usually indicate whether a DC Analogue loco is 'DCC Compatible' in the loco description.


DC Analogue [DCC Ready].....these Analogue locos have a factory fitted DCC Decoder socket pre-wired into the loco that contains a 'pass through' Blanking Plate (Plug). These are very easy to convert to Digital DCC. All that is required is to remove the 'Blanking Plate' from the socket and plug the DCC Decoder into the socket to replace the blanking plate.


DCC Digital [DCC Fitted sometimes also termed DCC On-board].....these locos are factory fitted with a DCC Decoder and are ready to run on DCC Address 03 'straight out of the box'.


So unless your Graham Farish loco is a DCC Fitted or DCC On-board loco, then it will not run under DCC control until a decoder is fitted to it.


The loco will not run on DCC it just hums When I switch the select controller to analogue it does runs.................

.................The controller address is 03 and I have tried to change it to 01 but after I have completed the procedure to change the address the controller red light flashes 8 times and the address is not changed.


There is nothing in your described symptoms that gives any indication that a decoder might be fitted to your model. You cannot change the DCC Address of a decoder, if there is not one present in the loco.


Since you seem to have some issues in 'How To' use the forum. I have included some TIPs below:


TIP: I write long posts. If you intend to write a reply, it would be appreciated if you didn't use the 'White Arrow in Blue Box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post button. It is best to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the very bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.


TIP: I don't know why your first posting attempt didn't post all the text you wrote. But if this happens again, use the 'EDIT' button to reopen the post again to check that all the text you want to display is present. Remember that you can only EDIT your post for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minute timer has expired, the capability to edit a closed post is lost.


TIP: For the inexperienced poster it is better not to copy and paste text from another location, but custom write your text afresh from the keyboard. After about 2 minutes, a 'Save Now' button will appear in the bottom right corner of the 'Reply Text Box'. Use this button to save your final written text to the forum memory buffer before clicking the 'Green Reply' button to publish the post on the forum.

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Chrisas Brilliant reply thank you I was under the impression that the blanking chip was a real chip that is the problem many thanks my points work fine with the select as you can see I’ve still got a problem with full stops in my post and any idea how long before I can post more that 2 posts a day cheers Nichthewood 

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I was under the impression that the blanking plate was a real chip, that is the problem.


People thinking that 'DCC Ready' means being 100% digital is a very common misconception that comes up time and time again on the forum.


I’ve still got a problem with full stops in my post.


What platform are you using for using the forum.

A Windows PC? an Android Mobile? an iPad? an Apple Mac? etc

If PC, what browser and Windows OS?

Full stops causing a posting issue is a new one on me. If you are using a mobile / tablet device......I assume it is using a soft screen keyboard.....maybe your soft screen keyboard 'full stop' symbol you are using does something else.


As you can see............ full stops are OK for me. Using Windows 7 and Firefox.


any idea how long before I can post more that 2 posts a day


Should be very soon, normally the limit only lasts about 48 hours.


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I can see some 'full stops' in that last post.


One other TIP for you.


The forum software for some reason strips out 'carriage returns' (paragraph gaps). When you write a post in the 'reply text box' you can see the gaps you have placed between paragraphs. But these disappear in the published post after clicking the green 'Reply' button.


The forum SW however, only strips out the first 'carriage return' (enter or return key on your keyboard). So when writing your post in the 'reply text box' if you type two consecutive 'carriage returns', the first one will be stripped out, leaving the second one behind to display in the final published post.


This is how I have got paragraph gaps showing in this reply.


PS - ZIMO in general, is a well respected brand that generates hardly any negative comments on this forum.

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