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Hornby Elite [won't start up]

Guest Chrissaf

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when i switched on my hornby elite nothing comes up just a green flashing light can anyone tell me what is wrong

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Sounds like it has gone faulty. Your options are:


  1. Try to diagnose what is wrong by using the 'self test startup procedure'.
  2. Try to fix it by going through the firmware update procedure to re-load the firmware.
  3. Send it off to Hornby for repair.


Self Test start up procedure.


Press and hold down the "Loco" button, then power up the Elite. Release the "Loco" button when Hornby appears on the screen (assuming it does appear that is). If the 'self test' is successfully initiated then it should run through some tests and give a status update on screen. However, your Elite might not be powering up because internally one of the buttons has got stuck in it's operated position. Try manipulating ALL the buttons to see if any button that might be locked is freed.


Reloading firmware.


Download the Elite v1.44 firmware files from the Hornby site.



Follow the instructions in one or other of the following posts. This assumes that your Elite fault does not prevent the Elite from being put in the firmware upgrade operating mode.


Updating Elite firmware



Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails (see post by Peter Rowney, 2nd one up from bottom).



If all above fails, then only option left is number 3) send it to Hornby for repair. To arrange, contact Hornby Customer Services by phone (see "Contact Us" link at bottom of page).


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


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Elite can ‘stall’ if switched on too quickly after powering down. Leave it for at least five seconds before rebooting. If you have a multi-meter check the actual output from the power supply unit, although something is getting out as you say you have a green led.

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hi joseph stoker here

re hornby elite not working i took it back to where i bought it,they tried but no success with it, so they replaced it with a brand new controller. i was wondering will i have to reprogramme all my 5 points decoders again or will the controller  automatically pick them up when i connect up. 

thank you joe 

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Any addresses that you configure are held in the decoders not in the controller. As long as you have noted down or remembered the addresses you set for them and use the same addresses with the replacement Elite controller then that should be fine.


That is unless, of course, you have used the Elite loco naming feature. The naming of locos is saved within the Elite and will have been lost. But the replacement Elite, will still operate the locos and accessories if their DCC Addresses are used instead of names.


The Elite controller does not read and memorize the addresses of the attached devices as it is powered up......it is not designed to.......this is normal.


From the Hornby portfolio, only RailMaster software saves device addressing information within the controller.

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Just to add.

As you use the Elite to control locos, the Elite does store up to the last 10 addresses that have been used, so that you can scroll through the last 10 (or less) controlled locos. These addresses however are not stored during a 'power down' of the Elite. Again this is the normal operation of the Elite. To select a loco from this loco 10 slot memory you use the 'Escape' key. See Page 18 of the Elite manual for details.

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