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TTS speaker wiring - connection to PCB


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When fitting a new speaker to my TTS Decoder, I clumsily strained one of the speaker wires and disconnected it from the PCB - silly me!

I'm including a photo of the damage below... could anybody who has a similar decoder (this is an R8101, Class 31) take a look and confirm if the wire should be soldered to position 1 or 2 (or maybe somewhere else?) on the PCB? Thanks in anticipation for helping me avoid releasing the Magic Smoke from the decoder 😢







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I agree 1.....you can still see the remanent of the broken wire still in the PCB hole. Not only that, but the rectangular white boxes screen printed on the PCB indicate that 1 is the correct location.


You are going to need a steady hand, a low wattage soldering iron (15W) and a filed down soldering iron bit tip to give a contact area no more than 1mm diameter. Use anything else, and you are likely to make a 'pigs ear' of the repair. As someone has already done to the wires on the right with the burnt & melted insulation. And I am assuming that those are the factory terminated wires, which shows just how delicate these decoder wires are. Too much heat and the insulation will melt and run back up the wire, so work quickly with the soldering iron.


The two wires are so close together. Do not rely on eyesight alone. After reconnecting the wire, use a Multi-meter to check for a short circuit between the two wires. Put the meter probes on the wires at the speaker end as they are further apart. It would be so easy to bridge the two wire holes with solder and/or the meter probes. Note that the TTS speaker is 8 Ohms, so a reading of about 8 Ohms on the meter is not a short circuit. A short would be a lot closer to zero Ohms.


Don't have a Multi-meter.......an essential bit of test gear needed in your tool kit in my opinion. Cheap ones <£10 are available on ebay....more than adequate for these simple diagnostic tasks.


Need more guidance on soldering technique......then read my 'How To'.



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