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Hornby R3603TTS Lord Nelso Throttle Problems

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My Railmaster / Elink layout has now been set up for two and a half years via a small laptop and separate larger touchscreen. I have had very few problems operating the layout to date but have just come across a problem with a new Hornby R3603 TTS Lord Nelson loco I have recently purchased. Noting that I usually set up the decoders on my locos using an Elite connected to a rolling road, i first of all checked the loco and sounds were running ok using the default 3 address and then set up the new loco address (46) on the Elite and everything worked as it should do (using the Elite).

I then set up the loco on my laptop, but as of today it was not yet in the database so I simply gave it a name and manually set up the sound functions, then finished off by setting the cruising speed to 70 and shunting to 10mph. However, when I first ran the loco on the layout, I noted that the throttle control had extended out of it’s designated area, and when I pressed shunt for a 10mph start, the yellow speed bar filled the space rather than holding at the shunt speed and the loco began to accelerate rapidly around the track!! I then temporarily swapped the Elite for the ELink, and the loco moved as it should do. This is the first time anything like this has happened and i would welcome any views from Forum members. As a footnote, I recently updated Railmaster to the 1.70 version.

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Just as a point seeking clarity.


When you say recently updated to version 1.70.........do you mean the actual 1.70 version or did you mean the 1.70.2 version.........and if the 1.70.2 version.....did you perform the update AFTER the 25th March.


If you have got anything less than the 1.70.2 post 25th March version......then you have not got the latest version of RM installed with the latest 'bug fixes' applied.


To ensure you have the very latest version, download it manually from the forum download link and install it over the top of your current version using a 'right click....run as administrator' installation. If you subsequently get ANY controller communication errors. Read through the WHOLE of the "RM 1.70.2 Now Available" thread and follow the guidance regarding modifying the .INI file in the later pages.

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If a loco is not on the database, and you enter from scratch, how are the scale speeds determined?

I have asked this before and have not really had it explained.

I understand the locos in the database have had their speeds corrected (approx. imo) to consolate for the loco's mechanics, so if one enters one's own loco, there is no correction.

What happens if you enter it as an equivalent Hornby loco?

What happens if you turn of the scale speed function in the System Settings window?

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Thanks to you both for your prompt reply. Chrissaf, the download was on the 8th April and is version 1.70.2, so will now check out the thread as you suggest.

WilliamDavid, I had a guess at the speeds based on other locos, however I did try another steam loco image and details (Not sound) still using address 46 and had the same problem with the throttle. I will try switching off the scale speed function as you suggest to see if it Makes any difference. Hopefully, in making any changes to the settings it won’t affect control of the other locos, which are still working ok. 

I will check these suggestions out tomorrow. Thanks again.

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Chrissaf, I read through the comments concerning the 1.70.2 revision and changed “Reset ELink on start” from 1 to 0, and it looks like that change has solved the proble, both on the throttle device and the slow start problems that others have mentione. In event I will load the correct image and entry commands as soon as the loco list has been updated. since making the change to the ini file, I have checked all my locos and points and everything appears to be working ok.

WilliamDavid, as you suggested I also tried switching off the scale speed function but this made no difference so re-ticked the box and restored the original setting. 

Thanks both for your feedback.

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Glad to hear that a .INI file mod has helped with your issue.


Don't forget.....when searching the Hornby RM database for your TTS loco....do not enter the last two TS characters.


Search for R3603T not R3603TTS


Adding the last two TS characters can, in some circumstances, result with the loco not being found when it is actually present in the database.


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PS - I have checked my own copy of RM 1.70.2 and cannot find the R3603T or R3603TTS listed either.


Strangely......you say you have recently purchased one, but the Hornby shop listing says the R3603TTS release date is May 2019 (next Month). So assuming that info is not up to date and the one you have got is hot out of the factory gates, then it does not surprise me that the loco is not yet in the RM database which does typically lag behind new TTS releases.


RM is outsourced to HRMS [an external to Hornby software house]. HRMS rely on Hornby to provide them with a final production model of the loco that they can profile for inclusion in the RM database. It is very much a practical workshop exercise and not theoretical profiling based upon a written specification. So HRMS need a final release model to work with. This usually explains why their profiling work and inclusion in the RM database lags behind physical product release dates.


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