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Dear readers

I have a question about the class 90, how many (average) coaches did the CLASS 90 had? I bought yesterday the CLASS 90 (code R3585), but I do not know how many coaches I should buy and which of those (codes: R4809, R4810 and R4811).


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Not having a go, using the blue button is something all relative newbies on the forum seem to do for some reason. I blame the forum SW developers for putting it there, just where a 'Reply' button is expected to be.


The reason I am posting this detailed reply FYI, is that I very nearly removed (deleted) your reply made at 10:21 because at first glance it looked like it was a re-quote without any new added text


TIP: If you feel you must quote the previous post using the blue button. Then when the post edit box opens, try and avoid putting your text cursor inside the yellow box area BEFORE you have written your reply. Scroll down and place the cursor below the yellow box and write your reply in the blank white area, then your newly added text will appear with a white background denoting that it is NEW text.


Once your new text is written, THEN you can put your text cursor inside the yellow box. Say if you want to remove some of the excess text from the quote.


By putting the text cursor inside the yellow box before writing your new text, the text cursor can get stuck inside the yellow box. The result of which is that the whole reply.......the quote PLUS your new text looks like a re-quote. This makes it difficult for readers to see what is new and what is previously posted text.


Alternatively, you can remove the yellow highlight by selecting the highlighted text and clicking the 66 icon in the 'reply text box tool bar' - see image below:



In fact it is even better not to use the 'white arrow in blue box' button at all, and just reply using the 'Reply Text box' at the bottom of the page which you have used previously in earlier replies. If you want to indicate that your reply is in response to a particular previous forum member post, then just head your reply with the @ symbol followed by their user name: Example @Crazy_Animal as used at the head of this reply.

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