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Elite Programming [Sapphire Fuel Simulation]

Guest Chrissaf

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I have tried programing my Elite to a engine with  Sapphire decoder to fuel simalatuon, it runs OK but when I set the amount of fuel it does not shown on the elite. 

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I take it that you do actually have a Hornby R8245 Sapphire decoder physically installed in your locomotive. The Elite Sapphire fuel simulation feature will not work on any other brand / model of DCC decoder, only the Hornby R8245 Sapphire decoder.


Are you changing the Elite display to 'Display Mode 5' as documented on Page 16 of the Elite manual?


Note: That prior to changing the 'Display Mode' you first have to call up the DCC Address of the loco fitted with the Sapphire decoder you want to run the fuel simulation on i.e so that the loco DCC address appears on the display and you can move the loco 'back and forth' using the selected speed control knob.


Page 16 - see yellow highlight.



Then once the display is set to 'Display Mode 5' are you then pressing the 'On' button on the Elite to show the simulation on screen as documented on Page 49 of the Elite manual?


Page 49 - see yellow highlight.



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Once the fuel runs out and the loco stops all you then do is press the ON/OFF button on the Elite to refuel it.


You can also do all the setup and activation by writing associated values direct to CVs. Don’t forget to turn the sim on.


I found the Sapphire manual more comprehensive than the Elite instructions.

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From memory you need Railcom enabled on the Sapphire (CV28) which relies upon CV29 bi-directional comms being set. Then CVs 142 et seq need appropriate values per the manual. All this should be clickable via the Elite menu screens above if you don’t want to fiddle with CVs.


Problem is (again from memory) Elite v1.44 disables Railcom by default so you need to switch it on in the controller not just the decoder.


Also (without looking at the manuals) the Elite needs to be cycled onto the screen that shows the fuel burn, as it does not pop up automatically.

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Just a slight correction to my earlier advice.


At Elite v1.3 Railcom was dropped from the menus as from then on it is enabled automatically as required given CV29 has been configured for bi-directional comms in the decoder, else the Elite won’t know it is required.


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