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Changing the direction of loco using CV29 on Hornby Elite


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Hi, I am the wrong side of 80, not too technically savvie, and want to change the direction of my Hornby R3487 Class 66 using CV29 on a Hornby Elite controller. I have read the DCC manual but do not really understand the process. Can anyone take me through this process using "words of one syllable" please?  At this time I only want to change the direction, not speed etc. Thank you.

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Read the value of CV29 [the loco must be on the Elite 'programming track' to do this].


If it reads back a value of 6, then add 1 to this number and write back a value of 7 to CV29.


If it doesn't read a value of 6, then tell us what value it does read and await further guidance.


If your question relates to:

"How do I use the Elite to read & write the CV29 because I don't understand the manual?".


Then indicate that back in this post and I will try to write you a 'step by step' guide.



Point of clarity question.


Having re-read your question. I am just wondering if you have picked up on the CV29 reference in the manual by mistake. You wrote:


At this time I only want to change the direction, not speed etc


The reference to 'not speed etc' infers a more general 'how do I control a loco' type question.


Is your question more to do with 'How do I drive my loco in reverse?"


That is to say, when you turn the control knob the loco drives forward, but how do you select 'reverse' gear to drive the loco backwards?.


Modifying CV29 to reverse loco direction is more to do with correcting a decoder wiring mistake where the wires to the motor have been connected the wrong way round. CV29 is not used as a way of driving the loco on the layout.


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Read the value of CV29.


If it reads back a value of 6, then add 1 to this number and write back a value of 7 to CV29.


If it doesn't read a value of 6, then tell us what value it does read and await further guidance.


If your question relates to:

"How do I use the Elite to read & write the CV29 because I don't understand the manual?".


Then indicate that back in this post and I will try to write you a 'step by step' guide.

Thank you, but sorry, first part completely over my head. So I'll go with the "How do I use the Elite ....." - but I only want to change the direction.

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OK since I am still not clear on the exact nature of your issue then I will provide two answers:


Answer 1 assumes the question is 'How do I select reverse gear to drive my loco backwards?'


This answer assumes that you are currently in the process of driving the loco forward and it is responding to the speed control knob. Rotate the controller knob anti-clockwise to bring the loco to a 'standstill'. Then 'press' the controller knob you have just been using. The black arrow displayed on the LCD screen should change direction. Rotate the same controller knob clockwise to drive the loco in the other direction.


The process just described in text is demonstrated in the later part of

produced by Hornby. Near the end of the video it shows how to manipulate the control knobs to provide basic forward & reverse control of your loco.


Note that when the black arrow on the display points to the left, this is forward. When the black arrow points to the right, this is reverse. This 'might to some' appear opposite to logic, but this is correct and how the display is designed.


Answer 2 assumes that the question is 'how do I permanently reverse the direction my loco responds to, by amending CV29?'.


Firstly, the loco needs to be placed on the Elite 'Programming Track'.


Then to read the current value of CV29 follow the steps shown below:




Assuming the value of CV29 is indeed 6, then you need to write a value of 7 to CV29 to permanently reverse the direction the loco moves under Elite control. If the value is not currently 6, then tell us what the value is that you read and a new revised 'write' value can be calculated.


To write value 7 to CV29 follow these steps below:




If the new CV29 value is accepted, then return the loco to the main layout track and test operation with the Elite in the normal control manner.



The Hornby R3487 Class 66 is a 'DCC Ready' model. Which means that it is a DC Analogue model with a socket to accept a 'plug in' DCC decoder. Can you please confirm that you have either had a DCC decoder fitted to the model by the retailer before they dispatched it to you. Or you have fitted your own decoder. Given your low level of DCC knowledge that you yourself have suggested with the 'over your head' comment. I am just wondering if you are trying to drive what is basically a DC Analogue model on your DCC layout.


TIP: Can I humbly suggest that next time you do not use the blue button. This is not a 'Reply to this post' button. It is best if you write your reply in the 'Reply to this post' text box at the bottom of the page and click the green 'Reply' button. Using the blue button has just duplicated my reply unnecessarily.


Not having a go, using the blue button is something all relative newbies on the forum seem to do for some reason. I blame the forum SW developers for putting it there, just where a 'Reply' button is expected to be.

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@Ronnie........my understanding of your question is 'How to reverse the loco on track using the Elite'.......well the simple answer is to press the control knob down after having stopped the loco. This will change the direction. Looking at the Elite control screen there is a black arrow next to the red speed indicator, press one of the control knobs and you will see the arrow move to the opposite side. Try this before you run a loco a few times and you will soon get accustomed.........hope this helps.........HB

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Hello again. Perhaps I didn't explain my problem clearly enough. I have two Hornby Class 66s, DCC fitted, but when using the Hornby Elite to move them in a forward direction one moved forward but the other moved backlwards. So I really did ask how I could change the direction of the loco permanently. Thankfully Chris your very easy to follow and understand, step-by-step solution did the trick. Thank you for this. I would have responded yesterday but for your two post rule.

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As you say, explaining your issue in detail really does help us to not go off in different tangents. Just a few extra words of explanation in the initial query post can make all the difference in allowing us to provide targeted responses.


Glad it is sorted......got there in the end.


If you want to understand for future reference a little more about CV29 and what you can do with it, and more importantly how to calculate the 'values' using an on-line 'do it for you' calculator. Then have a look at this link:




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