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View / display setup

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Can anyone tell me if it's possible to change the way Railmaster is setup / displays the locos? I don't have it controlling the layout (yet) so I'd just like it to display all the locos it operates in a grid - opposed to a vertical list. It gets quite annoying having to scroll up and down to control a particular loco. 

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There is limited scope to do what you want. See the selectable option in the image below circled in red. To the best of my recollection, I think the maximum vertical columns is 2 with the default being 1. Pulling down the number selection box will confirm if my memory is correct or not.




If you have a very large number of locos, then you can split them into 'Groups'. Once in 'Groups' then you can choose which group you want to display in RM. This will give you a restricted column of locos to scroll through.


Say you had 100 locos, you could split them into say 5 groups of 20 locos each. Then whichever group of the 5 you select, you only have 20 locos to scroll through. Read the RM manual regarding use of 'Groups' and how to set them up.


The issue with groups is that switching groups mid session can create operational anomalies, so Hornby recommend (see page 51 of the RM manual) that the group you want to control is selected at the start of a session and only changed as part of a RM re-start.


Note: Locos can be members of more than one single group, thus groups can give quite powerful loco roster setup options.


TIP: I write long posts. If you intend to write a reply, it would be appreciated if you didn't use the 'White Arrow in Blue Box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post button. It is best to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the very bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.

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You can quickly select a loco without scrolling. Click on the icon at the top of railmaster with multiple engine on it. This should bring up a page displaying all your engine. If you click on the engine you want it will appear at the top of the scrolling list.


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Just to supplement Ducky1's suggestion.....here is the relevant manual page.




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