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Broken Sapphire Wires


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Idiot that I am, i managed to pull off 2 of the wires on 2 seperate sapphire decoders (from the decoder side) having noticed that these are on a wiring harness that can be removed, is it possible to buy replacement harnesses or similar that i can use on these chips? Or have i just thrown £70 down the toilet?!

Im hoping its the former!

Im afraid re soldering is not an option as my hand eye co ordination, soldering skill and frustration wont let me do it.

Im trying to add some lights to my two x.03/04 locos, so the decoders worked and then i messed about!

Any help would be gratefully received.

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The official Hornby 21Pin socket to 8pin plug wired harness is not an orderable item.


This however may possibly get you out of the mire.......subject to space being available. There are no known versions of this available with a wired harness style of construction. If it does become necessary to wire your lights to the provided 'solder pads'. At least the pads are bigger and may therefore be within your hand/eye coordination and soldering capability to use.


The product below appears to have only come onto the market recently (earlier this year) to fill this long term missing gap in the DCC adapter/convertor market.


https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AL-16-A-8-21-Pin-DCC-Decoder-Adapter........truncated URL

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/media/tinymce_upload/83bf3df54565ce14e59e1bf96382765c.JPGI would call HCC, ask for Mark and explain the problems, i.e. the errant wires and your physical problems in resoldering them and ask if they could possibly replace the harnesses. They may have the odd spare laying around in the repair section.


If you get stuck repost and maybe I could fix them for you.


These pictures show the connections for info of others




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