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Select Controller [Operation anomalies]

Guest Chrissaf

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...when I try to stop the loco by pushing the stop button, the engine stops but a code E5 appears.


You are using the 'Stop' button incorrectly. It is not used as a general purpose 'stop' button for the selected loco. It is the 'Emergency Stop' button for the whole layout i.e all locos that might be running. Used for example, when due to operator error two trains are about to collide. Or a train is about to run off the end of a siding onto the floor if no form of 'buffer stop' is present. The E5 code on the LCD display stands for ES which is Emergency Stop. Therefore the E5 display on your Select when you press the 'Stop' button is completely normal and the expected behaviour.


...when I want to select a code for the loco, I push the 'select' button and LA is flashing, and when I push a button with the number, LA is continuing to flash.


With regard to this other issue. It is not clear from your question as written, whether your question relates to using the 'Select' button for controlling a loco or programming it. The 'Select' button is multi-function.


Controlling a loco:

You key in the two digit address of the loco first, THEN press the 'Select' button briefly, to acquire it for control.


The Select can only use DCC loco addresses in the range 01 to 59.


Programming a loco:

You press and hold the 'Select' button first, for 2 seconds until LA appears in the display (flashing). Then you use the keypad to enter the loco address you want to programme into the loco. With the Select controller the DCC address you configure must be a two digit number between 01 and 59. I suggest for numbers 1 to 9 that you also key in the leading zero. So you would then key-in 01 to 09.


I don't have a Select to try, but if you are only keying in one single number i.e 1 to 9, the Select may be waiting for you to enter the second character before accepting it. This may be the reason that you are not seeing the number displayed.


The number should then display and start flashing. Pressing the 'Select' button again should start the the process of writing the address that has been keyed-in to the loco decoder.


Note that the loco being programmed must be the only loco on the track and attached to the 'Select' output. In fact it is better to have a small length of 'spare track' put aside for programming tasks. You then disconnect the main track completely from the 'Select' and connect the 'programming track piece' in its place. Then place the loco to be programmed on this short isolated track piece.


How to use the Select buttons varies with the firmware installed. In order to give accurate guidance. Tell us the firmware version that is installed in your Select. The firmware version appears on screen during the initial power up 'self test' sequence. Three numbers will appear sequentially, NN followed by 30 followed by 03, where NN is the firmware revision level. NN may be a number between 11 and 16 depending upon how old it is, and where the purchase was sourced from.


I would advise that any number less than 15 should have the firmware upgraded by Hornby (£15 charge). Contact 'Hornby Customer Care' to arrange. See 'Contact Us' link at bottom of this page.


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.

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You didn't give me enough time to finish editing my reply. You initially read it as a 'work (reply) in progress' unfinished post. I have now added a reply to the other part of your question. FYI, I can sometimes take up to an hour or more to fully develop a reply (subject to its complexity) and whether I need to add some supporting drawings and/or sketches or not.


You have now used up your second newbie post and won't be able to reply again until tomorrow. I will check back later tomorrow to see if the other half of my reply has solved your issue.


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I fully agree with Chris.

What you describe is programming a loco address.

To run a loco you input its address and press Select. Simple as that.

By doing what you did you have likely reprogrammed everything on your track to the requested address including points if you have any.

All this is of course in the manual should you care to read it.

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Hell,my select hornby controller bought recently has some problems : when I want to select a code for the loco, I push the button select and LA is flashing, and when I push a button with the number, LA is continuing to flash.Another problem maybe, when I try to stop the loco by pushing the stop button, the engine stops but a code E5 appears.Has anyone met this kind of problems?

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