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Default Point Position - Elite / ESU SwitchPilot


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Firstly I'd like to thank you all as I'm new to the whole DCC model railway business and I've found a lot of answers on this forum on the setup of the Elite, ESU SwitchPilots, Peco and electrofrogs...  This is my very first question as I haven't been able to find an answer so far.

How do you set the default starting position for a point with the Elite / SwitchPilot?  I've finished all my wiring and it would appear that the Elite has every point starting with the arrow to the right on the display.  My ESU SwitchPilot (with SwitchPilot Extenstion polarizing the frog), has been wired so that it assumes the opposite (yes, that was me....).  I know I can rewire the Extension so that the frogs are polarized to match the Elite, but surely with all this electronic wizardry in front of me I can set the starting poistion for a point?  

This brings me on to a second question - if I can't set a default starting postion, do I assume I have to manually change all the points before powering up, so that they match what the Elite and SwitchPilot think they're initially set to?

I know Railmaster may be the answer, but at this stage I'd like to run it with dials and buttons (that may change...)!

Thanks, Steve


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I am not familiar with the SwitchPilot but the Elite does not reset your points at boot up, they stay at their last selected position.


When you select a point (Elite ACC button and number) and click the speed knob on the Elite to accept it from memory as you say the arrow goes right. The point will only move if that is not the last position.


The way Elite operates a point is dependant upon its revision state, some revisions use the selected speed channel knob to toggle direction - press once for left and press again for right; and other revisions use both knobs to toggle - left knob for one way and right knob for the other way, which is handy as you can repeat select a sticky solenoid for instance.


Let us know your recision state (see at startup) and we can further advise.

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I know I can rewire the Extension so that the frogs are polarized to match the Elite, but surely with all this electronic wizardry in front of me I can set the starting poistion for a point? 


As Rob says.....not with the Elite. Hornby DCC controllers are effectively 'dumb' devices. Sophisticated yes, but 'dumb' all the same. The only way to set start up positions is through a software solution such as RailMaster.


If you have got your frog wiring crossed such that 'short circuits' are created, then you will have to 'bite the bullet' and re-wire them correctly.


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


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Thanks, that's definitely made things clearer.  My revision state is 1.44


In that case left speed knob is for left point direction and right speed knob is for right point  direction (if wired that way). Repeated presses will reselect that direction.

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