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Dumb design in rebuilt Battle of Britain speaker fitting.


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I have just bought a new rebuilt Battle of Britain class. I was really pleased that the DCC socket is in the tender, so no risk of breaking the valve gear when replacing the body. First issue is getting the tender top off, the fit is so tight that I eventually had to prise it of very gently with a thin blade knife. They also forget to tell you about the control lever at the front of the tender that needs moving upwards. Now with the tender top off, I find that Hornby have conveniently made a fitting for the speaker in the tender weight, so that the speaker that comes with the TTS kit fits snugly. The trouble is with the speaker in its fitting, there is no easy way to get the wires past the weight to the DCC socket, the only way is to desolver the leads to the DCC connector, pass them through a hole in the weight and then resolder them. If they had made a slot, it would be so much easier. I won't mind if it was an after market kit I was fitting, but it is Hornby's own part.

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I wonder if they changed the design. On my 603 squadron, yes the speaker fits perfectly as you say, but the wires to the DCC socket come through the same hole where the speaker is now going to fit. In my case I could have left it, but it means the DCC wires would have got squeezed when I screwed the weight back down, as there is not a gap between the speaker rim and the weight, when fitted. This means the speaker rim is not flush with the weight, and there might be a risk of it moving about. Anyway, there is a hole to feed the wires through, I suspect that this was the original idea, but Hornby probably did a cost save, as it would have taken longer to fit it. I have the very latest one on order, so I will see if they changed the design. I just desoldered the wires fed them through the hole and resoldered them. I did think of cutting a slot, but I was worried it would compromise the fitting. 

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Some of the weights have a keyhole shaped slot that is obviously designed to take a round or cube speaker.

In any case it would be no hardship to enlarge the wire slot a tad or even slot it right through or dress the weight to make the speaker and wires fit better.. The weight is a just a weight not a load bearing structural member.

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I thought I would add some photos to show the issue.


Wiring as delivered





As you can see from this photo, speaker fits snugly in fitting, no room to now pass the wires through.




Picture from the top, definitely no room to pass wires through.

Ok, I know I can fix it, but I shouldn't have to. It is not as if it would have cost them more money to do it properly. 

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Just received the latest version of this model, the Royal Observer Corps, and no they haven't changed the design. They have ammended the instructions to include removing the lever, so I suppose that is an improvement. It still took about a hour to get the tender apart, it tells you to pull the tender top back, but unfortunately there are two locating lugs, and the weight is about 1mm too long to achieve this easily. I know they are only little things, but we pay enough for these models, so why can they not get it right. The trouble is, you have to be so careful, and now Hornby seems to have a policy of not providing spare parts, the job is doubly difficult.

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