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Layout progress (1 year and beyond)


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Managing your time with everything is important and I am sure we all have more important things to do, before we can improve and enjoy our hobbies. I am amazed really that in over year, you have that near complete layout. I say near complete, as no layout can ever be completed. Something can always be changed and / or added to each layout.


GNR-Gorodn-4 (HF)

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Layout update once again. Lots of progress made to the goods yard, plus some minor additions or changes to other parts of the total scenery. Still lots of miscellaneous things and mini projects to be done, but the layout scenery is all pretty much laid down now. No more bare baseboard for the first time.

Further purchased some second hand wagons with modified coal loads (still need to get some decent goods wagons, however), alongside the little Bachmann 04 diesel shunter in BR weathered black. Not the right livery perhaps, but I just had to have it when I saw it on the stand especially given its asking price. Other than that, the trackwork needs to be retested and cleaned (esoecially with the excess static grass in parts), and the curved crossing connecting to the goods yard still needs to be added, which I think i'll make either out of plasticard or plaster.

I also definitely need to get some little worker men to liven the layout up, along side more coal sacks, wooden barrels and crates to complete the look. I also debated whether or not a couple of ground signals will be justified. Will also attempt to interiorise both the goods and engine sheds as these will be lit up by my lighting system. Although not cheap, some stuff from Busch had been bought to go towards this. Quite looking forward to seeing how this will turn out.

Anywhow, that's pretty much everything that's gone on over the past few weeks. Thanks again.
















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