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HST with sound decoders issue


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I have purchased  of the GWR HST train packs and bought TTS sound decoders for both. Programmed on the programming track but when transferred to the main track both have lights, all the sounds but do not drive. Is it as simple as swapping the decoders around? Might

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Did the HSTs run OK before you fitted the decoders.


I don’t supposed you checked but did the HSTs respond correctly on the default address (03), before you reprogrammed them and do they now (apart from speed control) react properly to their new addresses. Are both set to the same address or are you running them as separate IDs.


Having the decoders plugged in in either orientation will allow the motor to run but the lights will not work if incorrectly fitted, so I would say you have them plugged in correctly if the lights work. Sound is different and not reliant upon plug orientation.


Try a decoder reset by writing value 8 to CV8 on the programming track. You can do both at once if desired.

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