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TTS F1 works Off/On not On/Off in Railmaster

Guest Chrissaf

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Pretty standard RM glitch. You can easily get any function out of synch with what the screen says and what the loco is doing, also the little throttle can be out of synch with the big throttle.


Why does it happen - RM sends a toggle command via the controller (say ON) and if either the controller skips it or the loco misses it then the next command you send (i.e. OFF) is seen by the loco as ON, and vice versa. If your controller is an Elite you can manually match the screen to the controller and the loco, but if you have an eLInk no such control refinement is possible, apart from resetting the controller (little red square in the big red Stop button on screen).


Report it in to HRMS using the inbuilt report system, but its been like that forever and no sign of a reliable fix for it.

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Have a number of TTS loco. A couple of them have F1 working the wrong way despite the setup having F1 in latching 'On/Off' mode. Turn F1 'On' (ie Green in Railmaster) and no sound.Turn off and sound appears. Any thoughts?

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Are you using an eLink or an Elite controller? The reason I ask is that the Elite has a display which can show you what it believes the current status of each function is (on or off), whereas the eLink doesn't. Is this consistent with these locomotives? Sometimes Railmaster can get "out-of-sync" with the status of a locomotive function. Try this - ensure all sound locomotives are silent, then close down Railmaster and power off the Controller. Then power up the Controller and restart Railmaster. Allow a minute or two for RM to finish its startup tasks, then before anything else, try the F1 function on the locos you have identified.




Edit: Hi Rob - we were typing together.

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  • 1 month later...

I would be interested in a solution to a problem that sounds similar to the initial posting. I have quite a few TTS fitted locos. On one single loco (heljan) the lights default to On as soon as RailMaster is plugged in and I have to switch them off by pressing function button. In effect the loco behaves like my Pullman coach lights when you plug in elink - they are on straight away.  It isn’t to do with Railmaster/elink missing a command - I have that quite often and can normally reset easily by just pressing relevant function button twice in quick succession - it seems to be something to do with the particular chip.  I could try chip in another loco but it would be a bit of a pain as speakers are custom fitted so don’t want to move. Would be great if there was some way of switching initial on/off flag.  I suspect there isn’t a solution and it is a chip glitch. If anyone has a solution, would be good to know.  

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Have you pored over the decoder manual as I would think there could be two states on or off that can be set as default by a certain value in a particular CV.


It is not clear if you have TTS fitted in the Heljan loco that is at fault. If so then there is no alternative default state - which will be off.


You could try a decoder reset.

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Thanks for reply. It is a TTS chip. I should try decoder reset as you suggest. 


In that case which decoder is it in which Heljan loco and what is the value seen in CV7. ...likely to be 13x.

I presume your eLink is at v1.07. Hover over the controller icon top right of screen to see status.


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Current firmware version for the Class 47 decoder is CV7 value 134.

Hornby is suggesting you arrange to send the decoder back to their Service Department via Customer Care for updating, which I realise will mean disconnecting the speakers. This will at least give you a known up to date decoder to start from. I presume the decoder still have its 8-pin plug, else all bets are off.


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  • 2 months later...

I had an issue of locomotive SOUND ON when Railmaster/eLink turned on.  I found that when I'd been setting the f-button sounds and testing them I'd left the SOUND ON in the setup screen.  When I saved the data and put the loco on the track the sounds came on immediately although the f-button was not lit.  When I clicked the SOUND button to illuminate it, the sound went off.

Solution - return to sounds set up screen and turn SOUND OFF, save and return to Railmaster main screen.  SOUND ON/OFF now works correctly.

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As has been stated many times before the On/Off is simply a toggle from the last selected state via anyplace within RM, hence it is very easy to get the ONs and OFFs buttons versus the loco in a muddle.


As previously suggested it would be better to have two separate commands ON and OFF rather than just ‘next state’, especially for use in programs, where a skipped command throws the whole thing out of synch, but this request has been ignored by HRMS to date.

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