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Elite update by Windows 10

Jumbo J

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I, or truthfully my more computer knowledgable friend, has tried for hours to try and download the 'elite' controller update V1.44 as discribed in three pages on the Hornby website, by using his laptop but unable to succeed. Has anyone got any idea what we are doing wrong please? My controller has the number 11-2007 embossed in the black plastic. Thanks from an 76 year old  technophobe railway hobbyist.

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Just for clarity, I assume you mean upload the firmware to the Elite. Not download the firmware zip file from the Hornby website.


I have just tested the firmware download ZIP file link on the website and it works for me just fine. The image below was taken from the ZIP file I have just downloaded in the test.


So assuming it is the task of actually updating the Elite firmware that you and your friend are struggling with, then read on.


After you have downloaded and unzipped the Elite update ZIP file. The only file you need and should be interested in is this one highlighted in yellow in the image below. Ignore everything else, they are not needed and only serve to confuse the inexperienced firmware updater.


List of ZIP file contents:



Once you have the Elite_Updater_1.44.exe file extracted from the ZIP file and saved to your hard disk drive, then follow the 'Step by Step' guidance I have given in this previous thread.


Updating Elite firmware



Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails.



When following the first link above look for posts made by me.


The first link above is a post with two further links in it. If you already have RM installed on the PC that you intend to use to update the Elite, then you can ignore the first and just follow the second one. On the second link then look for my 5th post up from the bottom [note substitute references to 1.43 with 1.44 when reading the post]. If the method documented in that post does not work for you. Then follow the second link above 'Alternative Method'.


Note: If the intention is to use your friends laptop to perform the Elite firmware update. Then he must install the Elite Windows driver first. 'How To' is explained in the first link of the two that are embedded in the page that the first link above goes to. If you have RailMaster installed on your own PC (and use it), then it is much better to use that PC instead, as that will already have the Elite driver installed, even if you use it with an eLink.


If following the second link above. You need to look for Peter Rowney's post. Second one up from the bottom of the page, timed at 12:50:55 and follow the alternative method he documents.


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Once you and your mentor have tried the update again using the guidance pointed to by Chris, and if it baulks then try to come back with a screen grab of the point of failure that the update installer puts on screen. This will give us a few more clues as to where the problem is.


If you get it to work then come back and tell us what you did different to last time as that could help others in future.

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Hoorah, thanks for everyone's help, I am now the proud owner of the 1.44 elite update, with a lot of help from a neighbours laptop and the forum. The final hurdle seem to be unplugging all power from the elite, hold stop button for 30 secs. plug in power cable and hold for 30 secs. then connect to PC & bingo a successful update!

Cheers Jumbo J

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The final hurdle seem to be unplugging all power from the elite, hold stop button for 30 secs. plug in power cable and hold for 30 secs. then connect to PC & bingo a successful update!


As per the instructions then.

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