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SL5 track parts questions


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Hi, so I’ve decided to build myself a track and will be starting from scratch mostly and decided on the SL5 layout that Jadlam sell. I already have some track pieces but can’t find exactly what other  track parts I need, how many track pieces, where each piece goes etc.

Can anyone advise please, ideally with a layout showing the part numbers?

I don’t need the borders as I’m making a setting for it hence why I dont want to buy one with all the parts. Also planning to use the Arc Pro. 



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Hi Jim - welcome to the forum!


Jadlam have come up with some nice layouts. I searched for Jadlam SL5 in Google images and some reasonably clear diagrams came up, plus a slightly blurry parts list. It looks like all the corners are the standard Radius 2 curves.


Two things I would say about using that layout with ARC Pro, is that 1) a pit lane is absolutely essential for digital racing using the ARC app and it should be long enough to hold 4-6 cars - 4 is probably a good number of cars for the size of the SL5 layout. Also, 2) that 90-degree crossover will be a real hazard with four cars on the track - expect plenty of collisions!


It can be tricky to fit a good circuit in a small space and that’s why the SL5 is so popular. However, I think for digital racing a simple circuit that has a good pitlane is absolutely fine - the excitement is about the racing, overtaking, strategy etc.


If you don’t have ARC Pro yet, I’ve written up some information about the ARC app here: https://slotracer.online/missing-manual/


I also recommend the new ARC Pro Le Mans 24 hour set - it will have all the latest updates installed. The sets will be available very soon.


Hope that helps!


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 Hi Jim - welcome to the forum!


Jadlam have come up with some nice layouts. I searched for Jadlam SL5 in Google images and some reasonably clear diagrams came up, plus a slightly blurry parts list. It looks like all the corners are the standard Radius 2 curves.


Two things I would say about using that layout with ARC Pro, is that 1) a pit lane is absolutely essential for digital racing using the ARC app and it should be long enough to hold 4-6 cars - 4 is probably a good number of cars for the size of the SL5 layout. Also, 2) that 90-degree crossover will be a real hazard with four cars on the track - expect plenty of collisions!


It can be tricky to fit a good circuit in a small space and that’s why the SL5 is so popular. However, I think for digital racing a simple circuit that has a good pitlane is absolutely fine - the excitement is about the racing, overtaking, strategy etc.


If you don’t have ARC Pro yet, I’ve written up some information about the ARC app here: https://slotracer.online/missing-manual/


I also recommend the new ARC Pro Le Mans 24 hour set - it will have all the latest updates installed. The sets will be available very soon.


Hope that helps!


Many thanks. Yep need to work out where the pit lanes will go as I know I’ll need to include these but trying to work out where!. Also a good excuse to put some extra details in too! I’m only planning on two cars so hopefully collisions will be reduced

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No problem! If you’re planning on just two cars, you should be fine - and a short pit lane will be sufficient. I’d go for three single-lane half straights between the pit entry and exit pieces. You’ll have to put the power base outside of the pit lane, otherwise cars will not count a lap when they go through the pits.


Digital can be great fun with two cars - it means you can swap between the two lanes, overtake and make pit stops in a dedicated pit lane. It looks just like real racing. However, ARC Air might be an option if you don’t mind traditional one-car-in-each-lane racing, plus you have nearly all the simulations and gameplay of ARC Pro. On ARC Air, you have the wireless controllers, but don’t need the added expense of digital lane changers, the pit lane or digital chips for each of your cars. You still have pit stops, but they take pace by stopping your car in the pit box on the power base. Just a thought...

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Couldn't resist seeing how it might look so laid some pieces out. Will add the Arc Pro later as I need to do all the groundwork (literally!) first. I'm planning on making a tunnel for the upper sections to rest on and still need to add the pit lanes so will need to change the layout slightly to accomodate/media/tinymce_upload/3b00c2cd273c7be0b9e9b48487b62040.jpg it.

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Hi Jim, if its not too late, there is a variation of this circuit using the Elevated Cross-over (C8295) instead of the flat cross-over which would eliminate collisions. It was previously called SL2 on the Jadlam web-site (some years ago), and it also replaced the outer corner furthest away from the crossover with 8 x radius 3 curves (giving a faster circuit). A similar circuit is currently on the Jadlam website (SL6) although this does use Radius 1 curves for part of the inner circuit, which isn't needed on SL2. I regularly use the SL2 circuit on my own 8 x 4 foot base. One suggestion is to have the long straight on the side furthest away from where you are standing - it may be to do with my age (46!), but its easier to track the cars at high speed on the long straight when its further away from you, and then the slower winding corners are closest to you!

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Hi Jim, if its not too late, there is a variation of this circuit using the Elevated Cross-over (C8295) instead of the flat cross-over which would eliminate collisions. It was previously called SL2 on the Jadlam web-site (some years ago), and it also replaced the outer corner furthest away from the crossover with 8 x radius 3 curves (giving a faster circuit). A similar circuit is currently on the Jadlam website (SL6) although this does use Radius 1 curves for part of the inner circuit, which isn't needed on SL2. I regularly use the SL2 circuit on my own 8 x 4 foot base. One suggestion is to have the long straight on the side furthest away from where you are standing - it may be to do with my age (46!), but its easier to track the cars at high speed on the long straight when its further away from you, and then the slower winding corners are closest to you!

Many thanks. The elevated part is on the shopping list! I’ve made some changes now - will post some pics soon. 

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