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Dcc power booster and bus wires


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hi I have read just about all the relevant threads but not sure my particular query is answered.

I want to instal a power booster. The layout is run off an elite with a power bus and associated droppers.  the Layout has 4 loops approx 7m by 3m with various sets of sidings at each end. I intend to split the layout in half isolating the loop at each side, imagine two separate semi circles. 

Stupid question time I take It I will essentially have two separate buses one fed from the elite, one from the booster. With the DCC signal coming from the track fed by the elite.


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I take It I will essentially have two separate buses one fed from the Elite, one from the booster. With the DCC signal coming from the track fed by the Elite.




But I do query whether splitting the layout into two down the middle vertically is the right approach.


The only reason for installing a booster is if you are running more trains than the Elite 4 amp supply can accommodate. With the layout split the way you describe, then it might still be possible for all the trains to end up at one end or other of the layout. In which case, all the trains would then still be reliant on a single power supply.


I would suggest it would be better to split the layout into two, by loops i.e. two loops plus associated spurs in each power domain. I would think that splitting the layout that way would give better scope for more even train distribution across the two power supplies. However, subject to your exact layout design. Splitting the layout that way is likely to be more onerous from the point of view of locating and installing track insulated rail joiners. I therefore appreciate that splitting the layout in the manner you describe might be the easiest to implement option......but not necessarily the most efficient DCC power option.


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Just adding some detail to Chris’s that may be in the blindingly obvious category, but maybe not as they are not specifically mentioned.


The terminology when installing booster/s is that you split the layout into power districts.


As well as separate bus arrangements to the power districts, one connected to the Elite track output and the other to the booster track output, the power districts on the track must be completely isolated from each other by insulated rail joiners at all crossover positions between districts.


While the size of the layout indicates you may need a booster, it’s the way you use it that counts.  Assuming you are already operating the layout, are you getting overloads just from operating the locos and accessories you have?  If so, the booster will help, if not, it won’t. You should be able to operate up to 10 locos or so without overload.


If you are not operating but still planning, then do plan for the 2 districts with separate bus and IRJs and I definitely agree with Chris to split it 2 loops and 2 loops, not half of each loop in each district.  If building, then IRJs st the crossover points separating the loops will achieve this.  But then connect back together and see how you go with just the Elite.  Only go for the booster after trying and finding you do get overloads. 


There is one other reason for separate districts not directly related to load - a short in one district only takes out the district, not the entire layout. 

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Be aware that the Elite BOOST treminals are NOT to be connected to a booster unit other than as per the booster instructions, nor must they be directly connected to the same track as the Elite.


A booster is essentially a DCC signal booster and the Elite BOOST output is low amperage signal only not a track driver. The power for the second district drive comes from its own power supply unit.

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Cheer for the info. Still in the planning stage. I’m dismantling the loft layout which is about half the size the new one will be. 

Didnt think about all the locos being up one end, doh. Will look to have two double track isolated loops. i May not even link them together, sort of run them as two separate layouts controlled from one elite with the booster sending the signal over the the other loop.

any comments welcom 

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May not even link them together, sort of run them as two separate layouts controlled from one elite with the booster sending the signal over the the other loop.


An ideal solution if you do it that way.

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