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Railmaster & the Sapphire Decoder

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Basically you can't do it within RM.


In order to configure the four available 'Auto Control' events using CVs 124 to 140. You first have to set an internal 'clock time' running in the Sapphire decoder using CV50 for the time in hours & CV51 for the time in minutes. You have to set a clock time first for the configured 'events' to know their event start time etc.


Now the thing is that CV50 & CV51 can only be configured according to the Sapphire manual when using P.O.M (Programming On the Main) also known as 'Operate Mode' programming.


RailMaster with eLink does not support that programming mode.


However, if you are using RailMaster with an Elite controller. Then the Elite does support 'Operate' mode, but you have to use the buttons and knobs on the Elite controller (not the RM Graphical User Interface) to perform those CV50 & CV51 configuration tasks.


This section of my reply is only applicable if you have an Elite controller or any other branded controller capable of P.O.M configurations.


If you do have an Elite controller, then the Elite manual Page 40 - 42 tells you how to put the Elite into 'Operate Mode' programming. Then in the Sapphire decoder manual read the sections for CV50, CV51 and CV124 to CV140. However I do acknowledge that the Sapphire manual is poorly written and lacks detailed guidance.


What follows is a worked example for 'Event 1'. Events 2 to 4 will follow a similar process.


In this example:


Let us say that the 'clock' is set to 11:30 AM and that 'Event 1' is set to initiate at 12:45 and that 'Event 1' is telling the loco to move forward at full speed.


Setting the clock to 11:30 (Real Time.....therefore this clock will continue to run in real time until the layout is powered down)


Extract from the Sapphire manual.



Use the Elite 'Operate Mode' to write 11 to CV50 and 30 to CV51.


Now turning attention to 'Event 1' refer to this extract from the Sapphire manual.




Now the key bit of information in this part of the manual is the small table with the B and S annotations in them (pointed at by my mouse cursor captured in the image). I instantly recognise this table as being the structure of a 8 Bit 'Binary Byte'. But this is not explained adequately in the manual and would not be recognised as such by an average modeller who does not have any computer theory knowledge.


It should also be noted that what I describe in this table is also applicable for CV128 'Event 2' plus CV132 'Event 3' plus CV136 'Event 4'.


It may be easier to understand the Sapphire manual's 'binary table' if represented this way instead. The decimal numbers in the top row are represented by the binary bits [0s and 1s] in the lower row. Where a binary bit is shown as a 1, then the decimal number directly above the binary 1 bit is added to the byte total. This should make more sense when looking at the worked examples.




Example 3 - loco moves forward at quarter speed CV124 = 128 + 32 = 160

[32 being approximately 1/4 of 127]


Example 4 - loco moves forward at speed step 20, CV124 = 128 + 16 + 4 = 148

[ Binary 10010100 = bottom row of table ]


To bring a moving loco to a standstill. Then the 'Dir' Bit is either 1 or 0 depending upon which direction the loco is currently moving in. Then by setting all the S bits to zero. The loco will stop. Stopping a loco will use up one of the four available 'events'. So for stopping a loco the appropriate 'Event' CV will either be 128 (stopping when going forward) or 0 (stopping when going in reverse).


Remember that that when changing a loco direction, you should go through a 'stop' position. This means that moving a loco forward from a standstill then later putting the same loco in reverse then stopping it again will use up all four of the available events. This rather limits what you can do. But then there is the 'repeat' option in CV140. Thus, the available four events plus the 'repeat' configuration could be used to create a repeating 'shuttle' program.


Note that the 'binary' table supports a speed range from 0 to 127, but the manual states the speed range as being 0 to 126. It is not clear whether the 126 in the manual is a typo error or that there is a genuine technical restriction that eliminates the use of the 127 value. But the manual also says that the supported CV range is 0 to 255. So my logical deduction is that the reference to 126 is a typo error in the manual and that 0 to 127 for speed is supported.


In case it is still not clear. Any decimal number between 0 and 255 can be represented by the pattern of zeros and ones populating the tables above. The pattern of zeros and ones represents a '8 bit binary byte'. The same technique is used in CV29 to switch individual features 'on' & 'off'. Where there is a 1 in the lower row in the table, the decimal numbers above the 1's are mathematically added together to calculate a decimal number total to write to the CV.


Once the Event (speed and direction) for Event 1 has been configured. Then you have to set the time that you want the event to start using CV125 for start time hours, CV126 for start time minutes and CV127 for the start time seconds. This time is relative to the 'real time clock' set in CV50 & CV51. So for this example the start time is 12:45. Therefore CV125 will be written as 12 and CV126 written as 45 and CV127 written as 0.


Repeat the above for 'Events' 2, 3 and 4 as required, using the other CVs as appropriate.


CV124 = Event 1 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV125 = Event 1 Start Time Hours.

CV126 = Event 1 Start Time Minutes.

CV127 = Event 1 Start Time Seconds.


CV128 = Event 2 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV129 = Event 2 Start Time Hours.

CV130 = Event 2 Start Time Minutes.

CV131 = Event 2 Start Time Seconds.


CV132 = Event 3 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV133 = Event 3 Start Time Hours.

CV134 = Event 3 Start Time Minutes

CV135 = Event 3 Start Time Seconds.


CV136 = Event 4 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV137 = Event 4 Start Time Hours.

CV138 = Event 4 Start Time Minutes.

CV139 = Event 4 Start Time Seconds.


Use the CV140 table to control which configured 'Events' run and how they run.


It makes sense that if you have to use 'Operate Mode' for CV50 & CV51, that the same 'Operate Mode' is used to configure all the other CV's as well. As a 'power down' to move the loco to the 'programming track' may reset the CV50 & CV51 clock to zero again. The manual is not clear on whether the 'Events' are held in memory after a power down.


Note: The Sapphire manual is not clear with regard the 'Direction Bit'. I am assuming that 1 is forward and 0 is reverse, as such an assumption is logical. But be prepared for the 'Direction Bit' to function the other way round i.e 1 is reverse and 0 forward. It is this reversed convention that is deployed in CV29 when you want to reverse the direction of the motor, so it may also be applicable to this 'Dir' CV Bit as well.


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The Sapphire manual is unclear with regard what happens with a power down. Logically, if there is no power on the decoder, then there is no power to keep the 'real time clock' running. So the clock will almost certainly reset. This is probably why the clock is specifically set using P.O.M.


Logically, all the normal motor control and other function control CVs are retained in memory after a power down. So it is logical for these 'Event' specific CVs to be saved as well. The 'real time' clock is a distinctively different requirement as it can only keep time when powered. I suggest you experiment with a simple single event and see what happens after a power down. Remember to reset the CV50 & CV51 clock when powered up again. Please report back in the thread with your experiment results for the benefit of other future readers of this thread.


I take it then (as you are asking this supplementary question) that you have an Elite with RailMaster.


By the way. As you have RailMaster. It is so much easier to create this level of automation (and more) using RailMaster's own integrated 'program' feature. If using RailMaster itself, you don't even need a Sapphire decoder. Any basic decoder will do, as the programmed steps and tasks are held in RailMaster and not loaded into the decoder.


As well as creating a sophisticated program that has virtually limitless 'events' (not four as per the Sapphire). RailMaster will save to disk any program you create. Allowing the program to be called up and 'run on demand' at a click of a RM screen button.


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Thank you so much and well explained. Just one question - once the Auto Control Mode is set up, is it all lost when the Elite is switched off?

No the decoder retains the information.setting CV 140 to 0 disables the ACM .the setting of CV 121 to 123 sets up in h m s how long before the ACM starts it sequence you have chosen in CV 140.

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I am sure the Elite Features > Sapphire menu system takes care of most of the binary calcs for you.


I am also fairly sure the real time clock is just a time counter to schedule the event timings. also the event timings are not actual clock times they are merely duration of event(s). E.g...

Event 1 - set direction fwd, set speed to 50 and run for 10 minutes.

Event 2 - stop.

Event 3 - set direction to reverse, set speed to 20 and run for 5 minutes.

Event 4  - stop.

Set CV for repeat as required.


I will have to dig out my notes from the Sapphire testing days to be sure, because as you say the associated manuals are a tad vague.

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Having pulled my notes for the Sapphire testing I can say this...

Elite v1.4 introduced Menu support for the Sapphire Features including ACC. Before this you had to set it all up by way of amending CV values on the Prog Track. Production version of the Sapphire also allows programming on the Main |Track (PoM)


This is the updated Elite Menu sequence (click or rotate as required to see the menu items below) that is used to access and set up ACC.

Menu > Loco > Features > Address > Sapphire.

Now pick Auto Control - or rotate to pick Fuel Simulate (not covered by this discussion).

Auto Control - click and rotate to choose Event (Sapphire Manual Page 6) - or Control (see later and Manual Page 7).

Event > Delay > click through to set delay of HH:MM:SS in turn.

Rotate and see EV1 - click to each set in turn - Speed, then Dir (Normal or Rev), then event duration - again set HH:MM:SS as before.

Rotate for EV2, set up as above, then repeat for EV3 and EV4 if required.

Rotate to see Control - click to Disable, else Enable. When Disable choice is seen on screen ACC is actually enabled and you can rotate to choose in turn a single or multiple events or a range of repeating events.

EV1, EV1-2, EV1-3, EV1-4, EV1-2R (repeat), EV1-3R, EV1-4R.


This sets up the basic ACC event schedule. According to the Sapphire manual the real time clock is reset at power off.(Manual Page 3 item GS014 and CV50/51) whether this applies to the delay timer (Manual Page 6 CVs 121-123) or the whole series of event acting timings (Manual Page 6 CVs 125-127; CVs129-131; CVs 133-135; CVs 137-139) is not clear. I would have thought it was just the decoder internal clock (CV50/51) used for many things, but I would have to set up a test rig again and try and prove it, then report back later.



A typical repeating series of events could be set up via CVs as below:

CV123 = 30 (seconds) start delay.

CV121 (HH) and 122 (MM) skipped =0.

CV124 = 40 (slow speed steps forward) event 1.

CV126 = 1 (minute) duration event 1.

CV125 (HH) and 127 (SS) skipped = 0.

CV128 = 0 (stop) event 2.

CV131 = 20 (seconds) duration event 2.

CV129 (HH) and 130 (MM) skipped = 0.

CV132 = 168 (high speed reverse i.e. 40+128) event 3.

CV134 = 2 (minutes) duration event 3.

CV133 (HH) and 135 (SS) skipped = 0.

CV136 = 100 (medium speed forward) event 4.

CV139 = 45 (seconds) duration event 4.

CV137 (HH) and 138 (MM) skipped = 0.

Cv140 = 12 (events 1-4 repeating).


To describe the above - there is a start delay of 30 seconds - then loco moves forward at slow speed for 1 minute - event 1 - followed by a stop of 20 seconds - event 2.

Loco restarts in reverse at high speed for 2 minutes - event 3, followed by a controlled change of direction (under control of CV3 accel and CV4 decell set rates) from reverse to forward at medium speed for 45 seconds - event 4.

Loco then decellerates to event 1 slow speed for 1 minute and repeats the actions above. Note there is no delay between event 4 looping to event 1, and et seq repeats.


CV140 allows ACC to be set for other events in sequence, either one off or repeating according to selection. Writing CV140 = 0 on the Main at any time kills the sequence.


I will rig a Sapphire and test for retention or loss of ACC settings upon power down and report back tomorrow.




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This just goes to show just how poorly written the Sapphire manual is. Rob has interpreted the manual completely differently from me.


My interpretation was that CV125-127 and CV129-131 and CV133-135 and CV137-139 represented the 'Start Time' of the four events relative to the CV50 & CV51 'Real Time' clock. Rob has interpreted them as being the amount of time that they run for.


I came to my deduced interpretation because firstly CV50 & CV51 set a 'Real Time Clock' which I don't think that Rob disputes, and secondly because the CVs mentioned in the paragraph above include up to 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. This did seem to me on the face of it to be a rather excessive 'running period' for an event and fitted in more closely to a 'real time clock' time configuration.


But I can also see the logic in Rob's interpretation of the manual, particularly as CV140 includes a 'repeat event' option. If the CVs represented a specific 'real clock' time. Then I can't see how you could repeat an event for which the time of the clock has already passed. So I now assume that the function of the 'real time clock' is just there to allow the decoder to measure a 'passing' time period.


Also, Rob has access to a Sapphire decoder to experiment with that I do not, plus access to Hornby documentation that is not generally in the public domain.


So in conclusion. Use my original posted reply for describing the function of the 'speed and direction' 8 bit binary table with the caveat about whether a 1 bit or a 0 bit represents forward direction or not. And use Rob's post for the description of using the Hour, Minute and Seconds CVs to represent the amount of time the event runs for.


Thus, to that end..... I have replicated my original reply below, but amended to incorporate Rob's interpretation of the Sapphire manual so that 'all bases are covered'.


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Basically you can't do it within RM.


In order to configure the four available 'Auto Control' events using CVs 124 to 140. You first have to set an internal 'clock time' running in the Sapphire decoder using CV50 for the time in hours & CV51 for the time in minutes. You have to set a clock time first for the configured 'events' to know their event start time etc.


Now the thing is that CV50 & CV51 can only be configured according to the Sapphire manual when using P.O.M (Programming On the Main) also known as 'Operate Mode' programming.


RailMaster with eLink does not support that programming mode.


However, if you are using RailMaster with an Elite controller. Then the Elite does support 'Operate' mode, but you have to use the buttons and knobs on the Elite controller (not the RM Graphical User Interface) to perform those CV50 & CV51 configuration tasks.


This section of my reply is only applicable if you have an Elite controller or any other branded controller capable of P.O.M configurations.


If you do have an Elite controller, then the Elite manual Page 40 - 42 tells you how to put the Elite into 'Operate Mode' programming. Then in the Sapphire decoder manual read the sections for CV50, CV51 and CV121 to CV140. However I do acknowledge that the Sapphire manual is poorly written and lacks detailed guidance.


What follows is a worked example for 'Event 1'. Events 2 to 4 will follow a similar process.


In this example:


Let us say that the 'clock' is set to 11:30 AM and that 'Event 1' is set to run for 1 minute and 30 seconds and that 'Event 1' is telling the loco to move forward at full speed.


Setting the clock to 11:30 (Real Time.....therefore this clock will continue to run in real time until the layout is powered down)


Extract from the Sapphire manual.



Use the Elite 'Operate Mode' to write 11 to CV50 and 30 to CV51.


Now turning attention to 'Event 1' refer to this extract from the Sapphire manual.




Now the key bit of information in this part of the manual is the small table with the B and S annotations in them (pointed at by my mouse cursor captured in the image). I instantly recognise this table as being the structure of an 8 Bit 'Binary Byte'. But this is not explained adequately in the manual and would not be recognised as such by an average modeller who does not have any computer theory knowledge.


It should also be noted that what I describe with regard to this table is also applicable for CV128 'Event 2' plus CV132 'Event 3' plus CV136 'Event 4'.


It may be easier to understand the Sapphire manual's 'binary table' if represented this way instead. The decimal numbers in the top row are represented by the binary bits [0s and 1s] in the lower row. Where a binary bit is shown as a 1, then the decimal number directly above the binary 1 bit is added to the byte total. This should make more sense when looking at the worked examples.




Example 3 - loco moves forward at quarter speed CV124 = 128 + 32 = 160

[32 being approximately 1/4 of 127]


Example 4 - loco moves forward at speed step 20, CV124 = 128 + 16 + 4 = 148

[ Binary 10010100 = bottom row of table ]


To bring a moving loco to a standstill. Then the 'Dir' Bit is either 1 or 0 depending upon which direction the loco is currently moving in. Then by setting all the S bits to zero. The loco will stop. Stopping a loco will use up one of the four available 'events'. So for stopping a loco the appropriate 'Event' CV will either be 128 (stopping when going forward) or 0 (stopping when going in reverse), subject to the note below.


Note: The Sapphire manual is not clear with regard the 'Direction Bit'. I am assuming that 1 is forward and 0 is reverse, as such an assumption is logical. But be prepared for the 'Direction Bit' to function the other way round i.e 1 is reverse and 0 forward. It is this reversed convention that is deployed in CV29 when you want to reverse the direction of the motor, so it may also be applicable to this 'Dir' CV Bit as well.


Remember that that when changing a loco direction, you should go through a 'stop' position. This means that moving a loco forward from a standstill then later putting the same loco in reverse then stopping it again will use up all four of the available events. This rather limits what you can do. But then there is the 'repeat' option in CV140. Thus, the available four events plus the 'repeat' configuration could be used to create a repeating 'shuttle' program.


Note that the 'binary' table supports a speed range from 0 to 127, but the manual states the speed range as being 0 to 126. It is not clear whether the 126 in the manual is a typo error or that there is a genuine technical restriction that eliminates the use of the 127 value. But the manual also says that the supported CV range is 0 to 255 and not 0 to 254. So my logical deduction is that the reference to 126 is a typo error in the manual and that 0 to 127 for speed is supported. This 0 to 127 range also equates to 128 actual speed steps which is normal for most decoders.


In case it is still not clear. Any decimal number between 0 and 255 can be represented by the pattern of zeros and ones populating the tables above. The pattern of zeros and ones represents a '8 bit binary byte'. The same technique is used in CV29 to switch individual features 'on' & 'off'. Where there is a 1 in the lower row in the table, the decimal numbers above the 1's are mathematically added together to calculate a decimal number total to write to the CV.


Once the Event (speed and direction) for Event 1 has been configured. Then you have to set the time that you want the event to run for using CV125 for hours, CV126 for minutes and CV127 for seconds. This time is relative to the 'real time clock' set in CV50 & CV51. So for this example the running time is 1 min : 30 secs. Therefore CV125 will be written as 0 and CV126 written as 1 and CV127 written as 30.


Repeat the above for 'Events' 2, 3 and 4 as required, using the other CVs as appropriate.


CV121 to CV123 sets a 'Time Delay HH:MM:SS' before the configured events start running.


CV124 = Event 1 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV125 = Event 1 Run Time Hours.

CV126 = Event 1 Run Time Minutes.

CV127 = Event 1 Run Time Seconds.


CV128 = Event 2 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV129 = Event 2 Run Time Hours.

CV130 = Event 2 Run Time Minutes.

CV131 = Event 2 Run Time Seconds.


CV132 = Event 3 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV133 = Event 3 Run Time Hours.

CV134 = Event 3 Run Time Minutes

CV135 = Event 3 Run Time Seconds.


CV136 = Event 4 (use 8 bit binary table for speed and direction value).

CV137 = Event 4 Run Time Hours.

CV138 = Event 4 Run Time Minutes.

CV139 = Event 4 Run Time Seconds.


Use the CV140 table to control which configured 'Events' run and how they run.


It makes sense that if you have to use 'Operate Mode' for CV50 & CV51, that the same 'Operate Mode' is used to configure all the other CV's as well. As a 'power down' to move the loco to the 'programming track' may reset the CV50 & CV51 clock to zero again. The manual is not clear on whether the 'Events' are held in memory after a power down.


By the way. As you have RailMaster. It is so much easier to create this level of automation (and more) using RailMaster's own integrated 'program' feature. If using RailMaster itself, you don't even need a Sapphire decoder. Any basic decoder will do, as the programmed steps and tasks are held in RailMaster and not loaded into the decoder.


As well as creating a sophisticated program that has virtually limitless 'events' (not four as per the Sapphire). RailMaster will save to disk any program you create. Allowing the program to be called up and 'run on demand' at a click of a RM screen button.

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Elite manual pages 51 to 55 intimate that the event time is a duration not a clock time, which is the logic I adopted.. The Sapphire CV list however refers to ‘acting time’ and ‘running time’, which is ambiguous.

The last para on page 55 says that in the event of a power cut (short) when power is restored ACC will restart, which I assume is from the beginning. I shall confirm that tomorrow.

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Elite manual pages 51 to 55 intimate that the event time is a duration not a clock time, which is the logic I adopted.


Having just read Elite manual pages 51 to 55....I agree and concur....the CVs represent 'running time' and not 'start time'.


But more interesting, is that Paul started this whole thread off saying he could not find any instructions. The instructions in the Sapphire and Elite manuals, individually are not that clear......but make perfect sense when one reads them together as they each fill in the gaps of the other. So I assume that Paul limited his search for instructions to just the RailMaster & Sapphire manuals and didn't consider looking in the Elite one.......but 'hey ho'....I found this an interesting theoretical cerebral exercise that I shall probably never need to put into practice.....and adds to my knowledge base.


...when power is restored ACC will restart, which I assume is from the beginning. I shall confirm that tomorrow.


I also spotted a line in the Elite manual that says a power restart will commence the event configuration from before the 'CV121 -123 delay' (if set) is triggered. So yes....that will be from the very beginning.


But that infers that the CV50 & CV51 'real time clock' will also start counting time again, presumably from the time that it was, at the time of the power down. In other words, the last counted time is also stored in memory. That is something that perhaps Rob could test for as well in his experiments.

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I will pay attention to the real time clock Chris to see if it maintains time after a power down, but I suspect it will reset to zero or possibly the original set time (E.g. 11:30 in your example). As it is dynamic then I can’t see how you can reliably read it back, unless the Elite invokes Railcom for the task as is used on the fuel sim continuous readback of fuel/water left.


Apart from pace keeping I cannot see the point of it being a real time clock, as nothing makes use of actual time of day other than RM scheduling, which I presume is clocked internal from the PC.


For info of Elite users Railcom was set to auto-enable after v1.3, so there is no need to manually enable/disable it for use with Railcom capable decoders.

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The Sapphire manual does say that the clock is readable in "Operations Mode".




But that said, it may only read back the time that was set in the CV, but not necessarily the actual time running in the decoder at the time of reading the CV. In other words, the CV may only be setting a 'Start Time' for the clock to start from at power up and the clock is actually running in another part of the decoder memory not linked to a CV. This would make logical sense, since we now know that the configured 'events' restart from the beginning at 'power up', so why not the clock as well to keep all the event configurations in the decoder synchronised.


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Test results...


A Sapphire was mounted in an ESU decoder test rig and using an Elite v1.45 it was set up via Sapphire Features Menus for 4 repeating events exactly per the example I listed earlier. The real time clock (CVs 50 and 51) was set at 11:30 as a hard time marker, rather than letting it start from clock zero as a simple pace maker.


The events started after the set delay and correctly ran through the cycle above, repeating after event 4 without any transitionary delay i.e. per the manual.


With the Elite still powered up I disconnected the Track connectionat the test rig in mid cycle and the motor ran down. At reconnection the event cycle restarted from the beginning, i.e. after the initial delay. Attempt was made to read CVs 50 and 51 before and after the disconnect - see later


Then the Elite was fully powered down and the motor ran down. After power up and the Elite had rebooted the event cycle again restarted from the beginning, proving that the ACC data is held on board the Sapphire and not in the Elite.


CVs 50 and 51 were read in Ops Mode on the Main, but both returned value XXX. Reading them in Direct Mode after switching to the Prog Track returned value 255 for both.


It then occurred to me that Railcom may be off in the Sapphire (+4 to CV29 value), even though the Elite switches its Railcom on automatically after v1.3. CV29 was reset to value 010, the realtime clock set to 00:30 as I only wanted to monitor minnutes, the event cycle was restarted and attempt made to read back CV51 on the Main. This initially read back as 030, incrementing only upon read refresh every few minutes, although readback was unreliable with 000 often being returned. Oddly the Fuel Sim burn countdown is dynamic, but this is probably handled differently by the Elite firmware polling the decoder.


The power disconnect sequence was repeated and again CV51 read back was unreliable with odd values of 034, 000, 001, 064 and 005 being returned.


I think we can only say the real time clock may / may not reset per the manual at power off, but is at best unreliable during read back and serves no other purpose than as an internal synchronisation clock, hence there is no point bothering with CVs 50 and 51.


All other CVs were read back in Direct Mode on the Prog Track as a check that they were still in the decoder memory and each was confirmed as set apart from the speeds. These gave values contra the set direction i.e CV124 - Fwd speed 60 returned 208 = 80 + 128, Cv132 - Rev speed 40 gave 40 - should be 40 + 128 = 168, Cv136 - Fwd speed 100 gave 228 = 100 +128, but the test rig motor turned the correct way each time and CV29 (value 006 and 010) confirmed the motor direction was set to normal. This may be a fault in the Sapphire firmware.


It would appear there are a couple of things broken in the Sapphire, which obviously will not get fixed as there was only ever one batch made. The manual also will remain unchanged. A pity as it is a reliable and capable decoder that could have been developed to add additional features.


I trust this test has been of use to Sapphire users who may be seeing these odd problems and not knowing why.




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