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J36 not in Loco list

Guest Chrissaf

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When will the J36 appear in the loco list within RailMaster?

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You will have to tell the R model number.


Is it one of these:








If it is the R3600TTS, then when searching do not include the last TS. In other words search for R3600T


HRMS do not always list a TTS model with the full TTS suffix.


In general, HRMS include new locos in the RM database sometime AFTER the model has been launched. The listing is under the control of HRMS and not Hornby. HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) are a third party software house that are contracted by Hornby to produce and support RM. Before HRMS can add a loco to the database, Hornby have to send HRMS a physical 'released to market' model. HRMS then use the model on a test rig to profile its function and operation (motor control etc). Thus there is usually some considerable delay for this to happen when new models are launched to market.


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Thanks for the response Chris - however, that's where the problem is - those numbers don't exist in my loco list. I'm up to date with the latest software (I think - it checks each time I start); so I have to assume they have not put them in there yet.

Thanks again.

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There are other very minor updates issued by stealth in addition to the auto-updates. These tend to update the loco database.

Try downloading from the link at page top as it is likely to be more up to date than your version even if yours is v1.71.0.

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The reason for asking you what your R number is.....is so that we can check our own copies of RM to see if it is just you who can't find them listed.


In general, when a member asks a question for more information in response to a query, then it is asked for a reason that might not be obvious to you.


Bearing in mind, that in your very first question you did not tell us that you are using the very latest software version. Which if you are, will be version 1.71 and not version 1.70.2


You could have been using a much earlier version. We can only go on the information you tell us.


For information, RM did not offer an auto-update from version 1.70.2 to 1.71........1.71 has to be manually installed.

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Definitely go for the latest download as v1.70.x had all sorts of problems, now fixed in v1.71.0.


PS - no one is having a pop at you and you are not upsetting anyone, its just that at times we have to squeeze folk a bit to find out what the real question is and exactly what kit they are running and at what state.

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The loco is R3621 with Hornby J36 sound decoder fitted.


I assume you mean that you have fitted the J36 TTS R7239 decoder yourself, else the model number would be a R3600TTS.


If the above assumption is correct, then in RailMaster, search for R7239 instead of R3621. This should populate RM with the J36 sounds.


Assuming that searching for R7239 resolves your issue, can you see now why I asked for the model R number. The quality of replies is directly proportional to the quality of the information contained in the query raised.


RailMaster version 1.70 according to the Help button.


Version 1.70 was full of bugs and quickly replaced by version 1.70.2 and then subsequently with version 1.71


So if you have 1.70 (or even 1.70.2), then that is not the current latest version you have installed.


To determine whether your currently installed version is 1.70 or 1.70.2 then hover your mouse cursor over the version number (small yellow box) in the RM bottom right corner next to the clock. If you get a 'pop up' appear saying 'Revision 0' then that is 1.70, if the 'pop up' says 'Revision 2' then that is 1.70.2


If you get controller communication issues after installing version 1.70.2 or 1.71 then follow advice given in this thread.




Above advice is the same for both eLink and Elite controllers, focus on the section relating to 'railMaster.ini' file amendments

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As I said, I do appreciate your help.


So - Version was 1.70.2 which I've now updated to 1.71.0 (with no problems).

I can now find R3621 - which is a good move forward and I can now make the J36 move.

However, I cannot find any of the other numbers (R3622, R3600TTS, R3734, R3735 or R7239). On that basis, I have programmed in R3621 and added the sound descriptions manually which all seems to work fine. I just need to turn the volumn down a little now.

Again, thanks for your help - I'll try to get it right next time.

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Again, thanks for your help - I'll try to get it right next time.



No problem, we are here to help you if we can.....

Just remember that we need you to help us to help you by providing extra detail in any question.

With regard R3600TTS, R3734, R3735

R3734 & R3735 haven't been released yet.....they are still on 'pre-order' and R3600TTS seems to have been outstanding for inclusion into the RM database for some considerable time. It has been asked about with the same question in previous threads.

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