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Railmaster Crash Mr Angry


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I have two copies of railmaster which are stored on two differant laptops. Both have been registered and upgraded to allow speech etc at added cost. One laptop is used at least weekly to run the railway at my grandsons, the other is used at my home for occaisional use in support.  So imagine my disgust when opening railmaster on my own laptop to be informed that it is being changed to an evaluation version and then that the evaluation time has passed . It was obvious from the form of instruction that it appeared known to be a legitimate version and to contact Hornby if i believed de registering was incorrect. I have been  admirer of Hornby for many many years, but this was disgracefull and i ask that they restore the system i have purchased. Perhaps they can inform me of the neccersarry procedure to have my software re installed correctly. It has  been updated in the past. 

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It is very much a shot in the dark to raise this issue just here in this post. For one thing, even if HRMS did read your post, they have no idea who you are (from the perspective of your activated account information). You would be much better contacting HRMS directly with your issue. Preferably through the 'Help' request feature in the RM help screen, with a 'fall back' of a direct email to support@rail-master.com

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Have you tried the simple expediant of entering the basic and Pro key codes again.


Has anything happened to the laptop that could have affected RM registration, such as a new hard drive or even something as simple as the battery going completely flat. Has your anti-virus or ‘PC-cleanup’ software deleted a critical file or registry entry.


As Chris says get HRMS directly involved and let them poke around your laptop remotely to see what has gone wrong so they can put it right.

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You haven’t given us much to go on Peter about your problem, so I doubt you will get a sensible answer on here. Why would you need new codes unless you never had them in the first place.


You should have had an immediate auto-reply from the help screen report saying they have received your query and will respond within a few days. If you didn’t get the auto-response you will never get a reply as they didn’t get your question.


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I agree. I think the likelihood of HRMS giving you new software key codes extremely unlikely. Fix (reset) your existing ones....Yes.......but give you new codes......no.


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When I had a problem reactivating my Pro code, HMRS would not confirm the key-code I said I had, merely suggestng I had a typo in a certain part of the key. I did have a typo due to not being able to read my own writing, but with HMRS prompting me I worked out what it should have been.

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I had a similar problem recently, caused by my de-registering the copy of railmaster on my laptop in favour of my old XP machine. When the XP machine went I had to get it deregisteed then re-register the laptop.

HOWEVER the registration key on my laptops version was still visible on a panel which, as I remember, I invoked using the "?" button on the top. Worth a try?

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