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Airfix Dauntless Target Tug

The Rat

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The venerable old Airfix 1/72nd scale Douglas Dauntless, as a target tug, which of course it never was. Becaue I do almost exclusively 'What if?' models. Warts and everything, I'm still lazy about silvered decals and the like, one of these days I may give it a clear coat to try to hide that glaring problem. 


All hand-painted with hairy sticks. Principle paints were Tamiya; XF-18 Medium Blue, XF-3 Yellow, and XF-7 Red. Aerial attachment on vertical tailplane was a chopped down piece of the gun mount. Open cockpit because the piece was missing. Prop decals are just dabs of the XF-3. Gear doors were replaced with thinner plastic, scaled up to real life they would cause so much drag that the dive brakes would be superfluous.


Pictures were taken with my Samsung S5 Neo, some at 400 ASA and some at 800. The 400 setting looks pretty good, the 800 has noticeable grain. A few were post-processed with IrfanView to autocorrect colours.















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Hi the Rat.

A very nice and colourful model and showes what can easily be achieved with a little imagination. You say it's a what if but I wouldn't be so sure that an old Dauntless wasn't acually converted to such an aircraft.


Remember we do this for fun                                     John the Pom

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