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won't change numbers.


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Hello mob,

right, I have 2 elites, one changes decoder numbers no problem the other one will not, the number remains the same, I have updated both to version 1.44 no problem but still the same with the one elite, this covers any chips as I am using various decoders, some aleady fitted in locos bought (lenz etc). If there is a sequence of events please explain as simply as possible, in case I need to reset.

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Since you have proven that you know how to change addresses by using the working Elite, then it is more likely that the 'PROG A&B' output of the dodgy Elite is faulty and not some form of user error.

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Interesting assertion ff.  Clearly the programming and boost outputs have quite different uses, the programming only needing to send programming codes while the boost has to repeat all commands going to the track output.


Rob, can you confirm whether there is common circuitry between these two?

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I do recall quite clearly that Rob has in the past made a statement that the internal circuitry inside the Elite is shared between the Boost and Prog output.

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