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R8247 point decoders changing address


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Hi All

I've wired up the points on my layout to several R8247 point decoders. This has not been without it's problems but the latest development has me baffled.

I've worked all the points succesfully from my Elite but the long term aim has always been to work them via Railmaster.

Railmaster has brought it's own problems but i finally got it attached and doing things. The problem i've encountered is all the point addresses are different when controlled from the Elite. When reverting to the Elite they can all be addressed by the numbers i assigned them.

What am i doing wrong?

(so far the whole process has been more difficult than fixing real signalling equipment)



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The Elite is probably starting up in 'Classic Mode'.....look at the display when the Elite powers up. In 'Classic Mode' there is an offset of 4 in the R8247 point numbering scheme.


When controlling the Elite and the R8247s via RailMaster.....you must put the Elite into 'Standard Mode' for compatibility.


This is mentioned in the RM manual....page 141 & page 144


Look at the Elite manual Page 67 to see how to change the start up modes.


There is a wealth of knowledge and information on this forum regarding setting up RM for the first time. An earlier visit to this forum, may possibly have saved you time with your 'getting it working issues'.


TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.



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You don’t say what revision state your Elite is at. It appears on screen at boot up. It needs to be at least v1.3 to work with RM. The revision state also affects the default start mode and also the way the speed knobs are used for point control.


The more info we have the more we can help.

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It seems i got there in the end. I was fighting a firewall issue that simply just replaced itself as soon as i wasn't looking..

The Standard mode tip was a useful reminder, all points now working on thier correct numbers, thank you.

Having a model railway is a great Destress or is it a distress? 12 inch to the foot is muich easier.

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