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help needed to wire a peco diamond with


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hello there,

i am currently in the process of taking out all of my old hornby track to replace it with peco, i have wired all of the points up in the propper fashion, but, i would like some help with wiring the double slip diamond, here is a link to the diamond in question:


I am looking to wire this diamond up to a peco smartswitch like this:


if anyone could help that would be much appreciated.




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Hello Tom,


There are others on the Forum who are more electrically knowledgeable than me, but there are two things I can point out right away. The Double-slip point is described as Insulfrog, which means the actual frog parts of the points remain electrically dead during operation, so providing power to them with the SmartSwitch, I don't think this can be done. The other thing I would point out is that the double slip is also described as Finescale. If you are connecting these points to Hornby track or Peco Code 100 Streamline track, then you may need pieces of adapter track.



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The Peco SL-190 slip is an Insulated frog point and has no live frog to feed.  Therefore the Smart switch is not required. 


If the slip (or any other Peco Streamline point) had a 'E' in its part number like for example SL-E190 then that would indicate the point is an Electrofrog.


"Finescale" means it has Code 75 rail profile that will not match directly with Hornby or any Peco Code 100 rail and will require an adaptor track section or stepped rail joiners to join the two together.  Additionally, Code 75 rail profile is not recommended for use with older - pre 1990ish stock due to the deeper flanges on these items which will hit or rub on the rail fixing chairs.


St1ngr4y has summed it all up correctly. :-)

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As Ray has intimated and I am now confirming (as a PECO track user).


The SL-190 is built using Code 75 rails. So since you have not stated what the other PECO track it is you are using, be sure that it is all Code 75. Just for comparison, the Hornby track you are replacing is Code 100 rail and PECO track comes in many different rail sizes....Code 55, 75, 83, 100 etc.....so you really do need to understand the PECO numbering scheme when buying track to ensure that all the items you purchase are compatible with each other.


The second consideration is that the SL-190 does not have an E in the product code. Thus it is an 'Insulfrog' product. To use a 'Frog Smartswitch' you need PECO Electrofrog points.


These links will help you navigate PECO's track numbering system, and cover the more common 00 rail sizes:


Peco ST (Set Track) Code 100 Track Parts



Peco SL & SL-E (StreamLine) Code 100 Track Parts



Peco SL & SL-E (StreamLine) Code 83 Track parts



Peco SL & SL-E (StreamLine) Code 75 Track Parts



If you want a PECO Double Slip with Electrofrogs, you need the SL-E190.


Now assuming that you have got the right SL-E190 track part for Electrofrogs. You need to get a copy of the following PECO Publication that details exactly how it is wired up for both DC Analogue and DCC Digital operation. There are many booklets in the range covering lots of different subjects and topics. They are relatively cheap at about a £1 each - see link below.






Specifically you want to see Fig 37a on Page 15 of this booklet. I cannot scan and publish Fig 37a for you here, as to do so I would risk being in breach of 'copyright' as this is a 'paid for' booklet and not in the public domain.


Just to advise that the wiring in the booklet covers wiring the points with electro/mechanical changeover switches. The booklet does not specifically cover the use of PECO Smart Switches. I would assume that the 'Smart Switch' (when purchased new as opposed to second hand) would come with its own 'how to wire' documentation.


As far as I can tell from this booklet the SL-190 with 'Insulfrogs' that you have actually purchased, does not require any specific additional wiring.


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