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Fake R8247 Accessory Decoder or Old Model?


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Hi All,


I've purchased most of my R8247 accessory decoders from a reputable Hornby approved seller, however, there seems to be the occassional shortage of these items and when they're out of stock I've previously looked to Ebay with success.


However, I recently received the item in the photos below and it looked completely different to all the other decoders I've got. Also it didn't function and it appears the entire package had been dipped in some kind of oil/grease. A total Ebay fail and I'm working on returning the item.


However, I wondered if anyone could tell me if they has seen this before. Main differences are:

1) Box is thinner

2) No silver sticker on the back of the decoder

3) Instructions only in one language rather than the pack of languages that you usually get

4) mini screwdriver and connection wire were a different style

5) screw mounts are reversed


Is this a fake or just an old model that's had a hard life?








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I think it unlikely to be a fake.


Fakes still cost money to make in China and the faker will normally choose to fake an item that has a high demand with losts of potential buyers. I doubt that model railway DCC accessory decoders fall into that criteria.

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Rob raises a good point. It may not be a R8247 it might be the earlier R8216. You can't read CVs on the R8216 and it doesn't function with all the features that the later R8247 has. These differences could certainly make someone 'not in the know' think it is faulty. Given that the label is missing on the left hand one, maybe the eBay seller removed it to try and fraudulently sell it off as a R8247.

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Thanks all. I think that's probably it! I'd got so used to setting up R8247s that I didn't even think to check the manual. When I couldn't read the CVs on the prog track I just assumed it was faulty. Anyway, it was advertised as a R8247 and it clearly isn't, so it went back.

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