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Christmas card disposal


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Why not draw the planks with a black ball point pen and a ruler?  The ball should make a slight indentation as it leaves the black ink provided you don't press too hard. Planks 2mm wide will look OK at 4mm scale. 


Try it on a piece of scrap balsa first.

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Thanks for your comments

Hopefully will look Gothic enough without over doing it when finished and the roof look like slates

black and grey with light green glass seems the right colors for this one

Thanks for the idea for planks

Have had a bit of a disaster trying to cut and assemble a dragon head tile ridge looks like it should go Woof rather than roar and breath fire.

But I had to give it a try considering the graph paper squares are 2mm and the whole dragon head is only six layers of paper thick and very small hopefully it will add something?? to the main roof-ridge.

Now I know what vampire figures Preiser do its so tempting to have an open coffin with male vampire with a female vampire standing over the imagined conversation goes something like "get out of bed your not staying there all night" etc etc.

Not sure how to do barge boards yet if I use the same triangle type pattern a bit concerned that would be over doing things??

Well one thing is for sure I will have somewhere to stick the LED Pumpkin when its finished  😆

regards John

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Do LED'S come in purple?? I was thinking an old style Green or Yellow (not to bright that way)

The glazing is green so not sure what a purple light source would look like through green glass, could produce an interesting result.

regards John

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

Followed LC&DR's idea of black Biro for plank lines it works most of the mistake in the middle will be hidden by the building.

Mix up with marks.


Has any one used the Busch light up owl? or able to comment on how effective it looks.

Just discovered the existence of this accessory today apparently the eyes light up.

sounded interesting.

regards John

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Hi all

the three parts of the building are now all glued together

Next cut in the roof for tthe passanger shelter and get the tiling finished.

then fix to the platform


regards John

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Hi all

Ready for the final run on roof tiles./media/tinymce_upload/0917b5602fcfa81a83de4109d6866af8.jpg

The slight curl in the roof that caused the gap has been fixed.

The shadow grey is where the roof valley will be.

regards John

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Hi all

Have just discovered Langley miniature models does a pack of goblins and skeletons in 1/76

The skeletons are just the thing to provide customers for this experiment and bit of fun.

Does any one know of a very light very bright green or blue paint that would do for representing whatever magical force it is that animating them, all followers of good fantasy stories knows these things don't get up and walk by themselves.

The idea is to paint the eye sockets in that color and unfortunately Games Workshop don't make Putrid Green any more or do a suitable substitute paint.

regards John

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Hi all

Well not the barge board I wanted but a barge board non the less.

What I wanted proved to be beyond what I could do even with ten times magnification.


so I had to settle for a 9" plain barge board.

regards John

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