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Loco Detection [RM cannot see decoder...not LD]

Guest Chrissaf

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All I can tell you is that the CV list returning all 255 codes, means that RM cannot detect the loco decoder on the 'programming track'. Thus it is the physical signal path between the eLink 'PROG A&B' output and the loco decoder that needs to be looked at. The fact that you could read the Class 60 CVs OK would seem to indicate that the eLink itself and RM are not at fault. There is one possible scenario (suppression capacitors present) where your specific symptoms might be observed, so read on further below.


Do ensure that you have a dedicated short piece of track connected to the 'PROG A&B' output of the eLink and that the loco is placed securely on that track programming track piece. Ensure track rails and loco wheels are spotlessly clean.


Also, check to make sure that the track power connection clip is the correct digital version. Either R8241 or R8242. Directly soldered wires to the programming track is actually preferred.


If you are using the R8206 or a R602 power track / power clip. These are meant for DC Analogue not digital DCC and will significantly affect the very low power programming signal output of the eLink.


The R8206 and R602 can be modified to the R8241 / R8242 specification by opening up the clip and removing the suppression capacitor located within...see image below. Some locos are more susceptible to the effects of these capacitors than others. This might explain why the Class 60 is OK but the mixed freights are not.




Also make sure that your layout running track power connectors do not have any suppression capacitors fitted either, else loco running control might be compromised.


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Hi, I'm new to this hobby. But I started with a mixed freight r1075 digital set. I have expanded to rail master using elink. All set up and working. Running latest updated rail master and latest elink software. 

Now to my problem. The mixed freight locos(dcc fitted) cannot be read on railmaster . They both work fine using the select controller.when put on programme track using rail master Both locos give 255 codes on cv list. But I did my Hornby 60 class tata steel loco 1st go no probs. I fitted the Hornby decoder to this. Contacts to wheels are clean so are wheels. This is driving me nuts! Seems strange how the class 60 worked 1st go but the two mixed freight locos will not respond in rail master. Please help

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Hi, thank you for the quick reply. It is the digital track connection with the push down buttons that came out of the mixed freight set. Track has been cleaned. But I will look and remove the capacitor and try again. Will let you know the outcome. Many thanks again.

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The two locos that you are having trouble with are quite lightweight, you can try pressing down on the locos as you are trying to program them to help to ensure there is a good contact between the wheels and the rails

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The mixed freight locos have a minimal number of pickups. You may need to try the locos with the wheels in different rotational positions and/or rest a weight on their roofs to get the very best electrical contact. As I said before, CVs reading 255 means that RM cannot electrically see the decoder.


The reason that you may not have observed this issue using the Select controller is because the Select uses a completely different programming technology. The Select uses 'Operate Mode' where the full track power is applied to the programming track. The eLink uses 'Direct Mode' programming. 'Direct Mode' uses an extremely low programming current and is highly susceptible to any poor electrical connection path between eLink and decoder.

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Hi,i have removed the cover off the power connection track and no capacitor there.i have hard wired to a seperate length off track and checked it with the class 60 and works everytime. tried the pushing down on track while trying to read CV,s from the R1075 loco,s and no joy. Its so infuriating !

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Why do you meed to read these decoders. If you just want to amend any of those CVs that you can on a basic decoder then type in the new values and save as usual.


If you do need to read the values for whatever reason then right click CV7 and select your decoder type from the drop down list and RM will populate the list with only those CVs applicable to that decoder. The rest will be greyed out. It should go on to read only those CVs. See if that works.

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 hi, i have finally got the locos moving with railmaster.it still gives 255 codes.but i forced it on the cv as a tts steam decoder. then wrote some values in for id and speeds and let it do the rest.stopped it when it was getting to sound part of cv. and it worked the locos move via railmaster. my question is now,if it can write to the decoder why does it give 255 codes?  what decoder is fitted to the r1075 locos? Or does anyone know what values to what cv,s should be for these locos so i can write them manually to each loco.

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The instruction sheet that comes with the decoder or the instruction sheet that comes with a loco if the decoder is factory fitted, nearly always lists what the default factory CV values are.

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What Rog has posted above is confirmed on the Hattons product page for the R8215 decoder.


On the page linked above, this text (image below) can be found. Programming on the main track means that CV reading is not supported.




The 2 digit addressing limit is also confirmed, so only addresses in the 1 to 127 range can be used.

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hi, it was a second hand train set with no paperwork so i dont have them .the locos are out of the set.dont worry about it.Will sort it .Thank you all for help anyway. Have found out losts about the pitfalls of logging a loco on to rail master.Thank you guys.

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The best thing you can do with an old R8215 decoder is relegate it to coach lighting or for even less angst just put it in the bin. They were very unreliable and prone to losing their address, even from a simple power down, wait a while and power up again. Unfortunately you can still find them for sale.

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