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select controller making a consist


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Hello to all,simple question  (i hope) when forming a 2 loco consist do the 2 selected locos lose there individual codes.when i programmed locos 1 and 2  as a consist number 20  they have lost there own codes 1 and 2,is this normal.if i want to run them as a single loco then i have to use  number 20 or reset them to 1 and 2 and lose the consist.

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My understanding from reading the Select manual. Is that the 'consist' configuration exists ONLY within the Select controller memory. The original individual DCC addresses that have previously been configured in the individual decoders are not affected in any way and remain configured in the decoder as normal. The Select first has to be taken out of 'consist mode' which will dissolve the 'consist' configuration before the individual addresses can be used.


Select 1.5 manual ...... pages 14 & 15 refers.

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They don’t lose their own addresses they just don’t respond to them when in a Select controlled consist.


If you had another controller, then each loco would respond to their own address under control of that controller. RM can invoke consists even for those locos with decoders that do not support consisting. This time the links are held within RM memory.


To regain control under the Select as Chris says dissolve the consist.


More sophisticated controllers and decoders can use advanced consisting where the decoder is reconfigured via CV19 - see here https://www.nmra.org/sites/default/files/standards/sandrp/pdf/s-9.2.2_decoder_cvs_2012.07.pdf

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thanks to both of you for your help,i used to have a dynamis set and it allowed me to use locos as a consist or individually on there own codes as you said.i dont know how to dissolve the consist but i managed to return the locos to original codes by resetting the select!

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I dont know how to dissolve the consist......


As I said in my last reply.....read Page 14 &  Page 15 of the Select manual......see Page 15 extract yellow highlights below:





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