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TTS loco runaway after short

TTS runaway after short

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In answer to your question.


Transient 'short circuits' disrupt the DCC data signal synchronisation with the TTS decoder. If the decoder (any decoder) cannot detect a valid DCC timing signal. It thinks that the loco is sitting on a DC Analogue track and switches the decoder into DC Analogue mode. The full DCC pseudo AC track voltage is then rectified into DC by the decoder and treated as being a DC Analogue full speed voltage.


By changing the value of CV29 to disable 'DC Operation' this unwanted behaviour is eliminated.


You need a DCC Controller that can write to CV29 to do this. Elite is OK, eLink is OK, but only Select with revision 1.6 firmware can do this. Selects with firmware 1.5 or below can not.


This web site provides a 'calculator' to help you to work out what value you need for CV29 to disable Bit 2 (DC Operation).


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