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ProPack reactivation

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I have just upgraded my PC and reactived RM with no issues, however there doesn't appear to be an option for reactivating ProPack, only purchasing.

I am about to send a support request via RM, Is it okay to include my activation codes in the initial request or should I keep these secure?

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As long as you deactivated the RM key as documented on Page 131 of the RM manual, and you have a note of what the PROpack key was. Then you just re-enter the PROpack key on the System Settings / 'Loco Detection' tab screen to re-activate it. The fact that you say you have reactivated RailMaster successfully, infers that you did correctly deactivate RM before transferring it to the new PC.


The manual Page 131 states that deactivating RailMaster automatically deactivates any PROpack key that might have also been previously activated....the manual Page 131 goes on to say that once RM itself has been re-activated you follow that up by re-entering your 'Unlock Code' [PROpack].......see manual extract below. This is where the 'Loco Detection' tab mentioned above comes into play.






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We don't know for sure, but it is suspected that PROpack was going to be primarily something needed for 'Loco Detection'. Hence why the PROpack key entry appears on the LD tab.


LD was then put on the back burner, but PROpack continued on into the launch and release phase so that 'users' could benefit from the other additional PROpack only features.


Rather than move the PROpack key entry location somewhere else, HRMS left it where it was on the LD tab. This odd location throws (confuses) a lot of users.


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