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CCT coupling problem


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I have two Hornby CCT vans, R6683B & C, and neither will stay on the track. The problem appears to be that the couplings are too low. I have not been able to find a raised nem coupling, I am also converting some of my stock to Kadee couplings but the same problem applies,no raised coupling to suit.

Before I resort to surgery on the vans I thought I would ask if anyone else has this problem and has found a solution. A forum search has not come up with anything.

Thanks in advance

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Hi  Mantagt,  Kadee do what they call an overset coupling (also do underset.) Both come in short, and long as well as the medium length. I can't give you part #, as I am not at home at this time.  Maybe I am mis-understanding your problem, if not, I hope this helps. 

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Hi Chris

Thanks for the link. It will come in useful as I convert my stock.


Hi Gitter

You are correct about the Kadee couplings. However as far as I can make out the nem couplings come in different lengths but only one height. The whisker coupling No.147 is underset and raises the coupling head but only to the same height as the nem coupling.


Just to expand the problem details. The tension lock couplings are held firmly in the mount, no sag, but are too low to couple to anything else and the hooks tail is below rail height and fouls anything between the rails ie points. If manually coupled the van lifts in the forward direction and in reverse the couplings override and foul. With Kadees fitted they will couple up just but the metal tail is below rail height and again fouls the points.

The only solution I have come up with, no matter which coupling I use, is to hack off the existing mounts and glue on new ones at the correct height. Not something I would expect from a relatively new model.

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I have read on numerous occasions that UK OO manufacturers have difficultly at times getting the NEM pocket at the correct height. The NEM 362 is a standard designed for HO models and on these it sits just below the buffer beam. On OO models it is noticeably lower. Charlie, of Chadwick Model Railway - Youtube - has recently done a couple of videos about coupling options which are very interesting.


For you own situation I would suggest you may have to remove the NEM Pockets and body mount an alternative coupler of your choice. However, a more radical option would be looking at Roco's 40396, 40286, or 40287 which are height adjustable NEM 362 couplers. They are not cheap - nothing really is from Roco - but would provide a solution without going at the wagons with a knife.........


Let us know how you get on?

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You are correct in what you said about Kadee couplings. Seemingly they tried to make the height variable on the fishtail type , but they were dog ugly, (not prototype.) Looks like a bit of real modelling work if you want to have stock fitted with Kadees'.

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Hi all

After some thought I decided to modify the vans using Parkside PA34 mounting blocks. The tops of the blocks have raised sides and these were filed down to give a flat face.

The van chassis was separated from the body, for ease of handling, and the existing coupling mountings cut down until level with the underside of the buffer beam and the underside of the chassis rails (solebar?), the mounts are hollow and can cause the cut to wander. Using liquid glue the mounting blocks were fixed with the rear faces flush and the front face square to the buffer beam, with the old mount being hollow the glue can be used above and below the block for extra strength.

Once the glue had set an NEM pocket was clipped into place. A small NEM tension lock coupling and a Kadee No. 18 coupling were each fitted and both found to be at the correct height and couple as they should. The vans will run as a pair so only one end of each has been modified, and the hook tails on the inner ones shortened to be above rail height.


I hope this solution is of use to others with a similar problem

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