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Reverse loop module with occupancy feedbacks


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I had a layout approx 2 years ago which had a couple of reverse loops using 2 Hornby reverse loop modules, these were both used with occupancy feedbacks (voltage change) without any problem, I have rebuilt the layout this time with just one reverse loop but although the module is working and the locos run ok the module itself is tripping the feedback and I cant work out what I have done differently. Both modules will trip the detector so I dont think there is anything wrong with the module, it can be disconnected from the isolated track so there is nothing wrong with the track.

I am using digikeijs DR5000 withDR4088LN Feedback modules

Ive wired from the feedback module to the reverse loop module Track connectors (cant see how I would have wired it differently before) and from Isolated Track connectors to my loop.

Cant understand why the reverse loop module didnt register on the feedback before. 

Hope you understand what I am trying to say.




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You've probably forgotten, but this thread shows what I believe represents your previous working solution. This gives you a baseline to compare your rewire against...... to see what you might have done differently this time.




If you have indeed wired it up as per the drawing in the link above. Try reversing the A&B wires on the output to the R8238, the issue maybe a current detector DCC phase issue, (clutching at straws suggestion) as your block detectors work on one DCC leg only.

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Thanks for the reply, tried swapping the wires but to no avail. Didnt do as your previous posts suggested as it worked ok, the only difference Im thinking was I reloaded the programme for the DR5000 Controller and at the same time installed the update, I cant find any settings and come to that dont remember having to adjust any settings but am wondering if the update may have changed something (could that be a possibility) 



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Not kit I am familiar with, but in general any change to any products firmware is going to change the way in which that product works.

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Got a reply at 2.30am saying possible that firmware update may affect 3rd party equipment and offered in general the same solution as you suggested previously ie use the feedback module exclusively for the reverse loop and dont use the other outputs (fortunately my new layout uses a lot less feedbacks and I have the capacity over to do this)

Thanks again

Top marks as always for Hornby forum and now digikeijs support

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