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Two loops one elite?

Railway man 123

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I have purchased a DCC Hornby Elite I am needing some help. I have a two loop layout and I am wondering if you can run two separated loops using two different addresses on the two dials. Does this work? How would I go about it? Would I use the boost port or just put all four wires in the track output. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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With a DCC controller you do not run the loops, you control each loco address individually. The whole track has to be live, which in your case can either be by link wires or the feeds to each loop from the Elite TRACK terminals.


You can assign loco 1 to speed knob 1 and loco 2 to speed knob 2 but you will have to keep taking control from each knob by pressing it as you cannot control the 2 channels (i.e. twiddle both knobs at once) at the same time although the locos will happily run according to their last instruction.


Do not use the BOOST port , that is only used under special conditions to feed a separate signal and booster unit, which not needed in your case.

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Download and read my 'Getting Started' PDF.....downloadable from here:



Chapter 5 covers DC Analogue control (what you are currently used to).

Chapter 6 covers Digital DCC control.


By comparing the two chapters you can see the differences.


Note this however. If your layout is currently DC Analogue and you are using Hornby power tracks and power clips (this includes the R8201 Link Wires mentioned by RAF above). Then these are DC Analogue and need modifying for DCC use....see the 'How To' image below. Ready modified power connections can be purchased as Hornby parts R8241 & R8242 ....see my PDF.




If all the points (Hornby points) are fitted with R8232 DCC point clips, then the whole layout can be made DCC live via a single controller TRACK A&B connection. But given that your two loops each currently have their own power feed (previously used for your DC Analogue controllers). Then personally, I would connect the two feeds together and connect them to the Elite TRACK A&B terminals. Note that if you get either feed reversed, then you will generate a 'short circuit'. Both wire track feed pairs MUST be the same way round. Again this is all explained in my downloadable PDF.


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